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Do the Work - Angels of Abundance Oracle

Daily Divination - Saturday, October 19, 2019


This card is a loving reminder that it is not enough to just ask for, wish for, visualize, or even set intentions to receive what your heart is desiring. Whether you are wanting to receive money, a physical accomplishment, or even moving forward on your spiritual journey...you must do the work!

Doing the day to day tasks, the ones that may not always be so glamorous, are what will help you reach your desired goals, so...

Get Chopping!

"Consistently working on your priorities will make them flourish like a lush flower garden. Today, take one action step in the direction of your inner guidance. Then take another action tomorrow, and another the next day, and you'll soon manifest support in ways that exceed your dreams."

*This week’s deck is the Angels of Abundance Oracle by Doreen Virtue & Grant Virtue (affiliate link).