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Let Go of Guilt - Angels of Abundance Oracle

Daily Divination - Friday, October 25, 2019


Where do your beliefs about money come from? When you see this card, it is likely you are carrying the energy of false and limiting beliefs about MONEY! You DO DESERVE to have money; you DO DESERVE to earn money doing something you love, and making money DOES NOT have to be difficult.

Sometimes we think we've made too many mistakes to have what we want.


"When you allow your light to shine brightly, you inspire others. Forgive yourself for what you think you've done or not done and trust that God loves you unconditionally for who you are. Learn and grow from past mistakes instead of berating yourself for them.

Also, when you receive, it does not take away from someone else. In fact, the more you open yourself up to receive, the more resources you have available to help others. Abundance allows you to purchase supplies to fulfill your life purpose, provide a safe home for yourself and your loved ones, and to give to others…"

*This week’s deck is the Angels of Abundance Oracle by Doreen Virtue & Grant Virtue (affiliate link).