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Cat - Archangel Animal Oracle

Daily Divination - Thursday, February 13, 2020

Be relaxed and independent.

"Domestic Cats watch over and protect the homes where they live, while big cats are watchers and protectors of the planet. They are all healers."

Cats always seem to be calm, relaxed, and mindful. The perfect meditators! This lets them hear clear messages from Spirit and when they show up in your life, its a reminder that "everything you need to know is already within you" - relax, listen for Spirit's guidance, follow your intuition and be centered and calm like our furry friends the cats."

One more note about Cats, they are very independent - and this goes with today's message - seek your answers from within, don't go looking for others to solve your problems...be courageous and independent like the Lion!

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle by Diana Cooper (affiliate link).