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Emotions - Butterfly Oracle

Daily Divination


"You are evolving and progressing, so it's natural for you to have a different perspective now than you did before. You drew this card because your feelings are speaking to you, and it's important for you to listen. Ignored emotions only grow stronger and louder. There's something in your life that is becoming intolerable to you. You once were able to endure or even enjoy the situation, but because you have changed so to have your emotions. This card asks you to be honest with yourself, and take an inventory of how you're feeling. You don't have to resort to drastic action to resolve anything. Sometimes it's enough just to acknowledge your own feelings so that your heart feels heard and understood."

Today, you are being asked to be honest with yourself. You are NOT a bad person for evolving. However, sometimes, situations become BAD because they no longer resonate with your energy, your hopes, your dreams, and your desires. 

Again, today you don't have to take any action, but you are asked to stop stuffing your feelings down and, at the very least, give yourself permission to grieve this change in your life, to allow for the shift within, and to allow yourself to move through your emotions until you get to a place where the change feels comfortable and you know for sure that moving forward or taking action is the right for you.

*This week’s deck is the Butterfly Oracle by Doreen Virtue (affiliate link).