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Daily Divination - LEAVING


“This card confirms what you already know; it’s time to leave a toxic situation. You’ve done your best to heal the conditions, but sometimes the circumstances become intolerable and the healthiest choice is to move on. This naturally brings up feelings of confusion and insecurity. However, rest assured that whenever you’re on the right path, which you are, everything works out for the best.

Your departure doesn't need to be sudden or drastic. Like a butterfly building a cocoon, you can plan and prepare for this transition right now. You can even make your exit gradual so that you feel comfortable and secure during this healthy change.”

I didn’t want to change the message of this card, because when I connected to channel, my guides told me to leave it as it is...so the right people who need to hear this message would find it in its entirety.

*This week’s deck is the Butterfly Oracle Cards for Life Changes. (affiliate link).