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Music - Earth Magic Oracle

Daily Divination - Tuesday, April 21, 2020


“This is a time of considerable harmony for you, one where the various elements in your life are flowing together smoothly.”

OK - stop laughing… I know, it may not feel that way. So let’s take a moment and remember what it does feel when everything is flowing and you are in a groove.

Put on your favorite music (or just think of your favorite song)… take at least three deep breaths. Start to feel the melody flow through you… sway, move or dance to the melody. Stay with it for as long as you like.

What does that feel like? Capture that feeling, allow it to stay with you and allow yourself to fall back into that feeling whenever you need it.

The more you can stay in that feeling fo flow, the more that harmony will flow to you.

*This week’s deck is the Earth Magic Oracle by Steven D. Farmer (affiliate link).