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Come Together (reversed) - Enchanted Map Oracle

Daily Divination - Sunday, April 12, 2020

COME TOGETHER (reversed)

There is no award for fighting for something or someone that isn't right for you, who isn't for your highest and best good. If you run into trouble today with a lover or a friend or find yourself in the middle of some sort of drama….please, don't feed that fire.

Practice healthy detachment. Winning this "battle" is not possible right now, so just allow it to be for now. Make a decision or take action when you are balanced and aligned with your inner power.

"When the come together card appears reversed, it's a sign that perhaps a love connection is imbalanced. Is intimacy being withheld from you, or are you withholding it from another? Longing and yearning are often mistaken for love - when in fact they are signs of lack. Perhaps you've been doing all the emotional work and pouring your water into an empty well, to the point that now you are also depleted. Know this. True love will not be denied you. What is truly for you will never walk past you or require this much energy. Drop the agendas, the fight, the need to win... and allow love to flow through you. True love will always find Its reflection in another."

*This week’s deck is the Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron Reid. (affiliate link)