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Compass - Enchanted Map Oracle

Daily Divination - Friday, April 17, 2020


Spirit is working in your life right now...Stay focused and true to you; the path where your soul is leading you.

“You’re entering uncharted territories right now and can expect wonderful new experiences. To stay on the highest path of your destiny, you’ll need to keep your compass pointed to True North. Only Spirit, or a higher power, can serve this function. Money, property, prestige, romance, and other material achievements can’t help you find your true path. They are simply things you may experience along the journey.

Know that Spirit is working in your life, so even if you feel lost temporarily, it will be easy to find your way. Have faith and trust for your compass, with Spirit as True North, will ensure that you’ll never be lost - even on a starless night when all seems dark.”

*This week’s deck is the Enchanted Map Oracle by Colette Baron Reid. (affiliate link)