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Monday - The Faun- The Faeries Oracle

Daily Divination - Monday, August 5, 2019


The theme for this week seems to be allowing things to flow and coming back to our true nature.

The more we are true to our own nature, the more we have access to our own magic. When we get caught up in believing limitations imposed by ourselves or our culture, we inhibit the flow of energy.

Limited thoughts are simply just that, thoughts. They can be easily changed by making the choice to choose thoughts meant for your highest good. Opening up can require a great deal of reflection and self-observation, but it is not impossible.

Make a commitment to do something better for yourself today. Take a walk in the woods or meditate. Ask Mother Earth or the Faun to help you open up and reconnect with yourself and the universe. Focus on the picture and imagine this energy running through you as freely as a Faun. Play with it. Dance with it. Be free with it.

*This week’s deck is the Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica Macbeth (affiliate link).