Our Sight Your Light

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sunday - Ta'Om The Poet - The Faeries Oracle

Daily Divination - Sunday, August 4, 2019


Here we have a creature of “clear sight, poetry, erotic energy, laughter, and not getting into serious mischief.” He reminds me of the Fool Card, with new energy ready to move forward. His demeanor is more serious, however, as he not only looks to the bright side of things but understands the beauty of joy and sorrow, ease and hardships, pain and pleasure. But according to the description, he also takes the time to laugh at these things as well, as life shouldn’t be taken so seriously and laughter is always a good cure.

I feel this card is beckoning us to be free to feel and just be ourselves. Immerse yourself with what you love and let yourself feel the feels. Read poetry or immerse yourself in art.

Do not be ashamed of your shadow self either. Acknowledge this side and accept it, love it, and thank it for all the wisdom it has given you. Allow this acceptance of one’s self to help facilitate a new beginning instead of allowing it to hold you back. Let go and be free.

*This week’s deck is the Faeries Oracle by Brian Froud & Jessica Macbeth (affiliate link).