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Ace of Wands - The Fountain Tarot

Daily Divination - Saturday, August 28th, 2021


Here we have a wand surrounded by beautiful, fiery colors representing passion and enthusiasm. The colors remind me of the sun and the start of a new day, a sign of new things to come and new beginnings.

With this card, a wave of new energy may come your way. Be ready for significant breakthroughs and clarity on important matters. You may have a shift in mindset that allows you to see the world anew. Meditate to clear away mental chatter and allow this new energy to emerge.

If you have been thinking about doing something new or have a plan you haven’t implemented yet, now is the time to take action!

*This week’s deck is The Fountain Tarot by Jason Gruhl, Jonathan Saiz, and Andi Todaro. (affiliate link).