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Eostre - Goddess Power Oracle

Daily Divination - Thursday, July 9, 2020

New Beginnings

Be grateful for all that is amazing in your life, accept what isn’t perfect, and know that what you don’t like at all is happening for you, not to you. BE open to the gifts all around you. Watch as a new opportunity begins to blossom for you now.

“Hope and New Life are blooming everywhere in your life right now, and this is something to celebrate. The Germanic goddess Eostre sings to you and assures you that your intentions have lain dormant long enough. When she appears, bearing the fertile power behind the coming of the spring, you may feel a surge of energy to implement your new ideas. You feel strong and capable of accomplishing so much at this time as a sense of newness permeates your life. Enjoy this wonderful time of new beginnings, and welcome the gifts of the Goddess Eostre has in store just for you!

*This week’s deck is the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).