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Daily Divination - Thursday, July 25, 2019


Even though you may have a spiritual mission or a deeper cause…

We are called to keep an open heart, a humorous heart, a heart open to receive the joy of laughter.

"When the Japanese goddess of laughter and mirth, Uzume, enters your day, be playful and cultivate good-natured humor. Laughter is the best medicine and exceptionally healing at this time. Keep your focus on fun and positivity, and see the humor if you can. Life is not meant to be all work and no play, all focus and no release! Humor fosters resilience and lightheartedness, alleviates emotional pain, giving a much-needed break from the burdens and speed of life.

Now is the time for you to be silly, laugh more, even take up laughing yoga! Yes, the world is serious, and your dreams and desires are too, but the joyful Goddess Uzume reminds you to enjoy your life and have fun!"

This week’s deck is the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid.