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One Step At A Time - Magical Unicorns Oracle

Daily Divination - Sunday, March 22, 2020


“Lots of little steps make big dreams come true.”

We are being forced right now to think in smaller steps… what is the thing I can do right now, in this moment, to move forward.

For many, it is not a time to move forward at all, but a time to just be, to heal, to process, to reflect. You may feel that this is not making progress, but this is an invaluable opportunity and a critical step on your path. Do not waste it living in fear with the what-if’s and how can I accomplish my BIG dream.

This journey - this that is right here and now, is part of your path to the dream. Live it day by day, moment by moment and know that you will realize the steps to take as everything unfolds.

*This week’s deck is the Magical Unicorns Oracle (affiliate link).