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Soul Retrieval (reversed) - Mystical Shaman Oracle

Daily Divination - Wednesday, May 13, 2020


“Soul retrieval is a practice that helps you recover a part of yourself - your energy, your enthusiasm, or your innocence - that you have lost. At first, we use Soul retrieval to recover from our hurts and heal our childhood wounds. Later, we learn to journey to recover our original nature - that Self that never left the Garden of Eden, who still speaks to the rivers, to the trees, and to God. When we return to Eden, we are whole again.”

When this card is reversed, the message is clear. When did you lose your way? When did you first begin to compromise your truth, your innate knowing of what is for your highest and best good, in order for someone else to love or approve of you? Now is the time to stand up and VOW never to compromise your integrity again.

“What have you agreed to in the name of love that you know is deeply wrong? Make it right this instant.”

*This week’s deck is the Mystical Shaman Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid, Alberto Villoldo & Marcela Lobos (affiliate link).