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The Spiral (reversed) - Mystical Shaman Oracle

Daily Divination - Tuesday, November 5, 2019


What is coming up for you? Do you feel like you are falling deep into the rabbit hole? If so, then GREAT! You are entering the realm of the universal spiral...where you have the opportunity to dive deep, but not so deep that you are forever lost in the abyss of the hole...

Instead, consider this time a gift. Dive deep, find out the truth of what is at the bottom of an ongoing problem or unhealthy cycle, and then CHANGE IT. Release back to the universe and walk back out of the hole with a new perspective and mission.

“The spiral announces a descent to the depths and a reverse. Allow nothing to get in the way of this process, as the time is right, and the forces of nature are supporting you in this endeavor. Using stones, twigs, or yarn, build a spiral on the ground that is large enough to walk through with at least three turns. Enter the spiral slowly. Once in the center, offer to the Earth the feelings or situations that you no longer want in your life. As you walk back the way you entered, feel recharged for your new Journey.”

*This week’s deck is the Mystical Shaman Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid & Alberto Villoldo(affiliate link).