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Fear - The Quantum Oracle

Daily Divination


What are you worried about?

“This card indicates that a fearful attitude has overtaken you lately, and you can’t seem to break away from the anxiety-filled view of things.” Allowing this fear to consume you, control your choices, and prevent you from living is getting old. You walked out on that ledge, and you can turn around and see the glorious castle, blue skies and calm beach available to you at any time.

You have the power to turn things around and the “inner strength to choose a more optimistic and self-directed approach.”

It is time to deal with the fear… break it down. What are you actually afraid of? What if it is actually not real, but all in your head? Can you change your thinking and move from fear to confidence?

“Let the negative patterns go. Choose the energy of trust instead of fear, and know that you have the power to handle anything that may come your way. Your self-trust honors your soul’s strength.”

AFFIRMATION: “I release worry and choose trust. My peaceful choices expand the peace and power in my life.”

*This week’s deck is The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor (affiliate link).