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Fragmented Energy - The Quantum Oracle

Daily Divination - Friday, May 1, 2020

Too many pieces.

You may feel like your life is falling apart, the puzzle pieces scattering. BUT, what if it is actually falling into place? The pieces, one by one, finding their soul, their purpose, their light.

“Balance is necessary now. It’s time to slow down, reduce your “have-to’s,” and give yourself a break. Choose the path that calls to your heart…”

It is not time to try to figure everything out… spreading your mind and energy in millions of places. Quiet your mind, let all the thoughts and worries just flow through until you reach a calm. Sometimes writing them all down can release your minds need to spin them around over and over.

Allow the pieces of your life to find their own natural flow and they will slowly fall into place. All is well.

*This week’s deck is The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor (affiliate link).