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The Loving Woman - The Quantum Oracle

Daily Divination - Thursday, December 26, 2019

Tenderhearted Feminine Energy

This card can traditionally mean that there is a woman in your life or coming into your life with supportive and caring energy - a family member, a friend, a mentor, a business acquaintance.

Look at the image - can you feel that love and support? After the rush of the holidays, take a moment, and really connect with that feeling of care and support. Our guides have been urging us, almost pounding us, with the message of self-love and self-care this week.

Rather than waiting for someone else to show you this care and support, what if this loving woman is you? She can be you when you take the time to just be and allow your light to shine... when you choose YOU, your feelings, your health, your JOY over other people’s needs, expectations, and demands. It is OK to say NO to other things and YES to YOU!

AFFIRMATION: “I treat myself with love and compassion, and I attract those energies in my daily life.”

*This week’s deck is The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor (affiliate link).