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Victim Mentality - The Quantum Oracle

Daily Divination - Friday, July 17, 2020

Taking Your Power Back

Oh boy… I am hearing Glenda say, “Dorothy, you’ve had the power all along!”

You are the one who has tied yourself to the bed and chosen to wallow in victimhood. OK - maybe for a few, other people put you in the room, BUT you have decided to stay.

Now, you can just as easily choose to untie yourself, stand up, look out the window for a new perspective, and move on. You are more powerful than you know.

If it still feels as if you cannot, look at what you may be gaining by your victimhood - does it bring you attention, does it give you an out from fully participating in your life, does it give you a pass in accepting responsibility for your own happiness?

These are valid things to look at, however it is time to get out of your own way. Freedom is yours if you choose it.

(This is a message for those who have put themselves in victimhood, not, of course, those who are actually imprisoned or being abused.)

*This week’s deck is The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor (affiliate link).