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DANCER OF JOY - Shaman’s Oracle

Daily Divination - Thursday, March 24, 2022


“I dance for the very joy of being alive, for the wisdom and sense of fulfillment that are everywhere around me.”

Do you dance just for the joy of it? This card comes to you to tell you to dance… dance away all the fear, dance away all that no longer serves you. As you dance, feel the JOY all around you and embrace it.

“Joy enters us at moments of heightened awareness, of delight and passion, of truthfulness and hope. It carries us far above any other feeling or experience and establishes within us a core of energy that is always there to be tapped.”

Take a moment each day to see the joy all around you… dance for a few minutes if you need to be reminded of that joyous feeling. Fill your core with JOY and tap into it whenever you need it.

This week’s deck is the Shaman’s Oracle by John Matthews (affiliate link).