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COW SPIRIT - Spirit Animal Oracle

Daily Divination - Sunday, January 20, 2019

The miracle are endless.

“You are at a beautiful point in your life today, for your needs are being met effortlessly and in so many ways. Fully embrace this truth by focusing on all you have right now, including the positive relationships that sustain you, the work you are proud to do to contribute to the world. Cow Spirit nudges you to pay attention because this is the perfect time to focus on the choices, actions, and behaviors that you know feed your soul and bring your heart contentment.”

What a perfect card as we go into the 🌕FULL MOON in ♌️Leo + Total LUNAR Eclipse tonight/tomorrow morning. Remember, 🌕Full Moons are about fruition and culmination. It’s bright light shines on all we do and are, are yet to be.

*This week’s deck is the Spirit Animal Oracle (affiliate link) by Colette Baron-Reid.