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Enlightened Heart & Mind - Women's Bodies Women's Wisdom Oracle Cards

Daily Divination

Enlightened Heart & Mind
Flexibility Within Structure

Look around you…

Who do you admire? Look up to? Want to be more like? Why??

Take this longing as a cue that SOMEWHERE within you, this longing to be more, to be better, to be different already exists. You are already that which you seek.

Now is the time to create a sacred space and call upon your Ancestors. Ask the spirit of those that came before you to help you identify and better live out the desirable traits and skills you wish to acquire.

Remember this…

if it wasn’t already a part of you…you would NOT even have the desire to be, do, experience, or accomplish it.

YOU ARE your DREAM COME TRUE, now you just need to connect with the part of you who already knows this to be so…

*This week’s deck is the Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom by Christiane Northrup (affiliate link).