Horse - Archangel Animal Oracle

HORSE: Archangel Animal Oracle, Diana Cooper, Archangel Mary, Archangel Christel

Daily Divination - Wednesday, February 19, 2020


Care for others and let them be free
Archangel Mary and Christel

Horses are known in the spirit world for their large heart centers. “Their spirit contract with the human world is to serve us while in return, we look after them and honor ...and let them be free.

They are linked to the powerful and loving Mother Mary, and her energy moves through them to heal others.

When they appear on your path, know that it is a call to open your heart and receive more healing. “You are reminded that in order to honor others and let them be free, you must first respect yourself and set yourself free. So tune into the great Universal Angel Mary and let her wonderful healing, divine feminine light bathe you and dissolve the old. Then take decisions that chime with you and light you up.”

*This week’s deck is the Archangel Animal Oracle by Diana Cooper (affiliate link).