Milky Way - Earth Magic Oracle

MILKY WAY: Earth Magic Oracle by Steven D. Farmer, perspective

Daily Divination - Monday, April 20, 2020


“You have lost perspective, so it is time to step back, breathe, and allow yourself to detach in order to gather information from your senses and regain your perspective about the situation.”

This is SOOOO important right now with our perspectives being so tainted with FEAR, social media and constant inputs.

Today, take a break from all the inputs. Detaching allows you to see without emotion, judgment or attachment to the outcome - all of which you need right now. Take some time to center yourself, look within and then ask yourself what is really going on, and what really matters.

You know what they say… change your perspective, change your life.

*This week’s deck is the Earth Magic Oracle by Steven D. Farmer (affiliate link).