Mountain - Earth Magic Oracle

Daily Divination


Look at the image and feel the strength. The mountain just stands… it just is. And in its standing, as it is, as itself, is its awe-inspiring power… yet silent.

You are a rock of strength. “It makes no sense to deny the strength you have at the cost of allowing yourself to be reactive and subject to external influences far beyond what is healthy for you.”

You do not need to shout about your strength, you do not have to prove your strength. You just need to BE IN YOUR STRENGTH. Plant your feet firmly on the ground, tapping into the strength of Mother Earth. Hold your head high, connecting to Father Sky, the cosmos, the Universe, and your higher self. This connection will give you added strength, allowing you to stand in your truth… your power.

*This week’s deck is the Earth Magic Oracle by Steven D. Farmer (affiliate link).