New Moon - Earth Magic Oracle

NEW MOON: Earth Magic Oracle by Steven D. Farmer, promise

Daily Divination - Wednesday, April 22, 2020


Wow - you just cannot plan this - there is a NEW MOON in Taurus TODAY!!!

New Moon’s are always about new beginnings, setting intentions, planting seeds to grow and flourish. So what will you use this New Moon for? What promises will you make to yourself… and the Universe?

“The seed of that idea is ready to emerge from the darkness of your subconscious into your full awareness. When your will is aligned with the will of Spirit, and your intention is focused upon what you wish to have happen, there will be fulfillment.”

This imposed “downtime” is your opportunity to get really clear on your intentions and desires and forge them in the energy of the upcoming New Moon.

*This week’s deck is the Earth Magic Oracle by Steven D. Farmer (affiliate link).