Wolf - Earth Magic Oracle

Daily Divination - Friday, November 12, 2021


What are your instincts telling you? Can you even hear/feel them anymore… do you even trust them?

We are so accustomed to looking outside of ourselves for cues, answers, and approval, that we have forgotten how to go within. It is time to use your own feelings, heart & soul vs facebook for your newsfeed.

Our so-called civilized world has dampened our wild nature and our instinctual wisdom and fire, but the current situations are demanding we connect back to all that is natural.

“Take some deep breaths, and simply notice what your bodily sensations are telling you.” Use your heart first, and then your mind to receive the information. Strengthen these connections and trust what you already know to be true.

*This week’s deck is the Earth Magic Oracle by Steven D. Farmer (affiliate link).