Daily Divination - Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Personal Power and Inner Strength

What a beautiful card to receive after the energy of the past couple of days. Completion and contemplations of the endless opportunities before you, followed by some imbalance and instability in core issues of safety, security, finance, and home. But yesterday you came through and found your footing, and today is when you dig deep and find that inner strength that you thought you lost when you were caught up in fear, but never truly was without.

“This amazing angel brings the news that this is a time of increasing power for you. It's not the time to be passive or submissive, but to speak your truth and take action on your own behalf. You are capable of taking greater control and directing your own destiny…Inner strength and unlimited resources flow through you at this time, helping you to create real results.”

*This week’s deck is the Energy Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Sandra Anne Taylor.