ANCESTOR OF KNOWING: The Shaman’s Oracle - John Matthews & Wil Kinghan

Daily Divination - Sunday, April 11th 2021


“My clear vision offers you an illuminating perspective in all directions.”

You have deep inner wisdom that has been shrouded by fear, illusion, and false beliefs. During this eclipse season, that veil can be lifted and released.

What is it that you are afraid to look at? What truth is there that you are denying?

The Ancestor of Knowing is here to give you a different perspective. Look at yourself, the people or situations in your life through eyes of love and compassion, and you will be better able to “see” the truth of it all… what things will support you and help you grow, and what no longer serve you.

Do not feel bad knowing this truth. You can still love & accept someone or something, while letting them go with compassion and grace. It is time to know your own TRUTH… that which is in your heart and soul, and follow it.

This week’s deck is the Shaman’s Oracle by John Matthews (affiliate link).