HUNTER OF HONOUR - Shaman’s Oracle

Daily Divination - Sunday, March 20,2022


“I seek out honourable ways to live and move, both in this world and in that of Spirit. I bring with me the honesty that honour requires and I teach ways that will enable you to honourably exchange energies and dreams with the universe. Whenever you are tempted to act in a manner unworthy of you, I am there to remind you of the damage this can cause and the trouble it can bring in its wake.”

Take time today to appreciate the world around you, the life that you have, and the people you have in it. In honoring them, you accept them for what they are and respect what they have brought to your life - love, support, joy… as well as lessons.

Choose to honor yourself.

This week’s deck is the Shaman’s Oracle by John Matthews (affiliate link).