
Gaia - Earth Magic Oracle

Daily Divination - Saturday, July 10th, 2021


WOW WOW WOW… Look at all that beauty… Mother Earth, Gaia… “She nurtures our bodies by offering the fruit of the trees, the greens from the Earth, and the air that we breathe. She nurtures our minds through her awesome physical and dynamic beauty and, as depicted in this card, by the amazing colorfulness and diversity of the world she’s constantly creating and recreating. She nurtures our souls by caressing us with her blessings each day and challenging us to be better humans through her response to our attentions and intentions.”

The Earth is screaming for us to do a better job nurturing her in return. And even so, these uncertain times are a gift from Gaia to spend some time nurturing ourselves… figuring out what is important, what makes us happy, what feeds our soul. We can no longer continue living burning the candle at both ends.

*This week’s deck is the Earth Magic Oracle by Steven D. Farmer (affiliate link).

Gaia - Earth Magic Oracle

GAIA: Earth Magic Oracle by Steven D. Farmer, nurturing

Daily Divination - Saturday, August 22, 2020


WOW WOW WOW… Look at all that beauty… Mother Earth, Gaia… “She nurtures our bodies by offering the fruit of the trees, the greens from the Earth, and the air that we breathe. She nurtures our minds through her awesome physical and dynamic beauty and, as depicted in this card, by the amazing colorfulness and diversity of the world she’s constantly creating and recreating. She nurtures our souls by caressing us with her blessings each day and challenging us to be better humans through her response to our attentions and intentions.”

The Earth is screaming for us to do a better job nurturing her in return. And even so, these uncertain times are a gift from Gaia to spend some time nurturing ourselves… figuring out what is important, what makes us happy, what feeds our soul. We can no longer continue living burning the candle at both ends.

*This week’s deck is the Earth Magic Oracle by Steven D. Farmer (affiliate link).