
Partnership - Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom Oracle Cards (Copy)

Daily Divination

Hierarchy Vs. Partnership

“Mastering Partnership is Essential”

Here is the down and dirty about this card. It is asking you to look at the partnerships you have created to know in your life - work, romantic, friendship. Identify trends and or patterns. Are your partnerships balanced or unbalanced?

  • Are you the leader, the boss, the one who takes charge?

  • Are you the one who is meek, diminutive, and allows your partner to lead?

This is NOT about judgment…instead, it’s about awareness.

Your goal as an awakened Soul is to find equity in your relationships. Don’t look to the other to FILL YOUR VOIDS and don’t look to the other to PROP YOU UP. No, these patterns of behaviors cause all kinds of unhealthy relationship cycles.

Ask yourself today. What needs to change in my relationships in order for them to be more equitable?

*This week’s deck is the Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom by Christiane Northrup (affiliate link).

Enlightened Heart & Mind - Women's Bodies Women's Wisdom Oracle Cards

Daily Divination

Enlightened Heart & Mind
Flexibility Within Structure

Look around you…

Who do you admire? Look up to? Want to be more like? Why??

Take this longing as a cue that SOMEWHERE within you, this longing to be more, to be better, to be different already exists. You are already that which you seek.

Now is the time to create a sacred space and call upon your Ancestors. Ask the spirit of those that came before you to help you identify and better live out the desirable traits and skills you wish to acquire.

Remember this…

if it wasn’t already a part of you…you would NOT even have the desire to be, do, experience, or accomplish it.

YOU ARE your DREAM COME TRUE, now you just need to connect with the part of you who already knows this to be so…

*This week’s deck is the Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom by Christiane Northrup (affiliate link).

Self-Expression - Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom Oracle Cards

Daily Divination

Channel Clearly

“If you don't take your creative life seriously, no one else will, either. Once you give yourself the time and space to express yourself fully, however, the universe will move in to assist you.”

If you're feeling stuck, in a rut, and unsure of what your next step is…then you can be sure that the Universe is receiving mixed messages from you, or that you are being redirected.

It's so important that you take some time for yourself to get clear on what it is you want to experience...then, send it to the Universe, and let go. 

Sure, take some action every day toward those goals, but when you hit up against resistance and or detours, know that the Universe is lovingly redirecting you. 

Take yourself seriously. Be clear about what you do want to experience in your life. Then, send that message out loud and clear so that the Universe can get to work... 

Of course, do not attach to the outcome...If what you are wanting is for your highest and best good, get into the flow and watch it materialize :-) If not, well then be in gratitude...the universe always has our back.

*This week’s deck is the Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom by Christiane Northrup (affiliate link).

Nurturance/Self-Care - Women's Bodies Women's Wisdom Oracle Cards

Daily Divination

Channel Clearly

What does your HEART want you to know?? Try listening to your body to find out.

Our heart and inner being utilize our body to share messages…

Are you paying attention?

Is your stomach feeling squeamish? Are you shivering? Are you filled with a rush of energy? All of these are SIGNS from your Heart and inner energy, that you are being asked to pay attention to…??

*This week’s deck is the Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom by Christiane Northrup (affiliate link).

Enlightened Heart & Mind - Women's Bodies Women's Wisdom Oracle Cards

WATER GUARDIAN: Angels and Ancestors Oracle by Kyle Gray, connect with your emotions

Daily Divination - Saturday, October 10, 2020

Enlightened Heart & Mind
Flexibility Within Structure

Look around you…

Who do you admire? Look up to? Want to be more like? Why??

Take this longing as a cue that SOMEWHERE within you, this longing to be more, to be better, to be different already exists. You are already that which you seek.

Now is the time to create a sacred space and call upon your Ancestors. Ask the spirit of those that came before you to help you identify and better live out the desirable traits and skills you wish to acquire.

Remember this…

if it wasn’t already a part of you…you would NOT even have the desire to be, do, experience, or accomplish it.

YOU ARE your DREAM COME TRUE, now you just need to connect with the part of you who already knows this to be so…

*This week’s deck is the Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom by Christiane Northrup (affiliate link).

Partnership - Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom Oracle Cards

WATER GUARDIAN: Angels and Ancestors Oracle by Kyle Gray, connect with your emotions

Daily Divination - Friday, October 9, 2020

Hierarchy Vs. Partnership

“Mastering Partnership is Essential”

Here is the down and dirty about this card. It is asking you to look at the partnerships you have created up to know in your life - work, romantic, friendship. Identify trends and or patterns. Are your partnerships balanced or unbalanced?

  • Are you the leader, the boss, the one who takes charge?

  • Are you the one who is meek, diminutive and allows your partner to lead?

This is NOT about judgment…instead it’s about awareness.

Your goal as an awakened Soul is to find equity in your relationships. Don’t look to the other to FILL YOUR VOIDS and don’t look to the other to PROP YOU UP. No, these patterns of behaviors cause all kinds of unhealthy relationship cycles.

Ask yourself today. What needs to change in my relationships in order for them to be more equitable?

*This week’s deck is the Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom by Christiane Northrup (affiliate link).

Self-Expression - Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom Oracle Cards

WATER GUARDIAN: Angels and Ancestors Oracle by Kyle Gray, connect with your emotions

Daily Divination - Thursday, October 8, 2020

Channel Clearly

“If you don't take your creative life seriously, no one else will, either. Once you give yourself the time and space to express yourself fully, however, the universe will move in to assist you.”

If you're feeling stuck, in a rut, unsure of what your next step is…then you can be sure that the Universe is receiving mixed messages from you, or that you are being redirected.

It's so important that you take some time for yourself to get clear on what it is you want to experience...then, send it to the Universe, and let go. 

Sure, take some action every day toward those goals, but when you hit up against resistance and or detours, know that the Universe is lovingly redirecting you. 

Take yourself seriously. Be clear about what you do want to experience in your life. Then, send that message out loud and clear so that the Universe can get to work... 

Of course, do not attach to the outcome...If what you are wanting is for your highest and best good, get into the flow and watch it materialize :-) If not, well then be in gratitude...the universe always has our back.

*This week’s deck is the Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom by Christiane Northrup (affiliate link).

Nurturance/Self-Care - Women's Bodies Women's Wisdom Oracle Cards

WATER GUARDIAN: Angels and Ancestors Oracle by Kyle Gray, connect with your emotions

Daily Divination - Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Channel Clearly

What does your HEART want you to know?? Try listening to your body to find out.

Our heart and inner being utilize our body to share messages…

Are you paying attention?

Is your stomach feeling squeamish? Are you shivering? Are you filled with a rush of energy? All of these are SIGNS from your Heart and inner energy, that you are being asked to pay attention to…??

*This week’s deck is the Women’s Bodies, Women’s Wisdom by Christiane Northrup (affiliate link).