Rebecca Campbell

Align Your Life - Work Your Light Oracle

ALIGN YOUR LIFE: Work Your Light Oracle by Rebecca Campbell

Daily Divination - Friday, July 3, 2020

What is not aligned or needs to change?

“Many of us have learned to be who the world wants us to be. But there comes a time when it is harder to hold on to this facade than it is to embrace who you truly are. To surrender to how we have changed and align life to that way of being.

If you pulled this card, you are being called to let go of who you once were or the things that you once defined yourself by - the job, the relationship, or the mask you wore, and to embrace who you truly are now. To courageously step into the person that you came here to be, authentically.” This is a matter of heart and soul. Sometimes we have to simply step away and allow for our “mental” fears to take a back seat. Your soul is crying for your attention…listen and follow its guidance.

*This week’s deck is the Work Your Light Oracle by Rebecca Campbell (affiliate link).

Don't Dim to Fit In - Work Your Light Oracle

DON’T DIM TO FIT IN: Work Your Light Oracle by Rebecca Campbell

Daily Divination - Thursday, July 2, 2020

How are you dimming your light in order to fit in?

What are you afraid of?  


That is a powerful message…

How are you compromising your own personal integrity to not "rock the boat"? 

"All relationships are essentially an energetic agreement. The moment one person decides to start rising up and allowing their light to shine, it changes the energetic agreement and can create some waves. That's completely normal. The relationships that are meant to last will adapt to the change of energy. Others won't because they are likely born under the proviso of 'I love you, as long as you don't shine brighter than me.' That's okay, not all people are meant to be in your life forever. But the lessons they teach us will still live on."

*This week’s deck is the Work Your Light Oracle by Rebecca Campbell (affiliate link).

Dance - Work Your Light Oracle

DANCE: Work Your Light Oracle by Rebecca Campbell

Daily Divination - Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Do something to change your energy

Are you feeling stuck in the mud? Not sure what to do next? Perhaps you're experiencing "groundhog day"? 

If so, your simple guidance today is to DO SOMETHING to shift your energy. Dance, move your body, go for a walk, a run, to yoga. Play with your kids, go to the beach, feel a cool breeze on your face. 

Change your energy and watch movement return to your world.

*This week’s deck is the Work Your Light Oracle by Rebecca Campbell (affiliate link).

Council of Light - Work Your Light Oracle

COUNCIL OF LIGHT: Work Your Light Oracle by Rebecca Campbell

Daily Divination - Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Helpers in the subtle realms

“The Council of Light is a team of benevolent beings who are here to assist the raising of the consciousness of the planet. They are here to help you achieve your soul mission, and are guiding you every step of the way. However, because we live in a world where free will reigns, they cannot help you without your permission. If you would like their assistance, it is time to ask them.”

Your guidance today is to pray for the help you need to live out your divine purpose in this lifetime. Ask for what you need, and it will be provided...just be open to how that help arrives.

“Put your requests in and let them get to work!”

*This week’s deck is the Work Your Light Oracle by Rebecca Campbell (affiliate link).

Lemuria - Work Your Light Oracle

LEMURIA: Work Your Light Oracle by Rebecca Campbell

Daily Divination - Monday, June 29, 2020

Creating heaven on Earth. It's happening.

"It's easy to get overwhelmed by the state of affairs on the planet right now, but you are being encouraged to keep holding the clear vision of the future; it is closer than you think."

SO much is happening in our world today. It is easy to want everything to go "back the way it was," however, you must know, that is NOT going to happen. A massive shift is upon all beings, whether they are "woke" or not. Each person will be touched in a way they can relate to, some in more ethereal ways than others.

"Keep doing what you are doing and remember: The only way to heal the world around us is to first heal ourselves."

*This week’s deck is the Work Your Light Oracle by Rebecca Campbell (affiliate link).

Birthing a New Age - Work Your Light Oracle

BIRTHING A NEW AGE: Work Your Light Oracle by Rebecca Campbell

Daily Divination - Sunday, June 28, 2020

Birthing new creations. Dreaming a new world into being.

“Often, our path is exactly the one we don’t feel prepared to walk. Walk it anyway.”

The bottom line of this card is... let what is falling away fall and allow for all that is starting to take form. Don’t resist it. Allow. 

“It is time to give permission and space for what is beckoning within to be born. We are dreaming a new world into being.”

Affirmation: I am open to surrendering to the creations that are wanting to be birthed through me. May I be of service in a way that delights my mind, body, and soul. Please use me, please lead me, please show me the way.

*This week’s deck is the Work Your Light Oracle by Rebecca Campbell (affiliate link).

Starseed - Work Your Light Oracle

STARSEED: Work Your Light Oracle by Rebecca Campbell

Daily Divination - Saturday, June 27, 2020

What lights you up?

“Starseeds are souls with a double mission: To raise their own consciousness and the consciousness of the planet. They are old souls who have incarnated elsewhere beyond this planet.”

If this card appeals to you, then know it is a calling of your attention to the fact that you are here to do so much more than meets the eye. Perhaps you are going through a metamorphosis of sorts. The old conversations, friendships, perhaps even your job, just don’t seem to fit anymore. Maybe you are hiding your spiritual nature in the proverbial closet? If so, understand that now is the time for you to break out of limiting and “acceptable” molds you have tried to fit into for so long.

“It is time that you stop, and start embracing the unique light that you came here to share and treat your time on Earth like a glorious vacation!”

*This week’s deck is the Work Your Light Oracle by Rebecca Campbell (affiliate link).