The Quantum Oracle

True Love - The Quantum Oracle

Daily Divination

Real Connections

At its base level, for some, this indicates a new love, friend, or business connection - one that admires you for who you are. But really, this card holds a more profound message about yourself.

“The world is a reflection of how you view and care for yourself. The higher your regard for yourself, the greater your ability to manifest your deepest desires. Open your heart to the unlimited value you bring to the world, and know that your soul applauds you for your choice of genuine self-love.”

Your energy will attract the same energy into your life. So, if your self-talk is filled with doubts, fears, and negativity toward your intelligence, skills, talents, looks, or body, you certainly are NOT going to attract people into your life who think highly of you. LOVE BEGINS WITH YOU!

AFFIRMATION: “I love and care for myself more and more each day. I attract loving people because I engage in self-loving energy.”

*This week’s deck is The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor (affiliate link).

New Supportive Connections - The Quantum Oracle

Daily Divination


You do not always have to be the one helping everyone else, making sure everyone is ok. It is time for you to be open to help, support, and joy - even if it comes in unexpected ways.

Use this downtime to reach out (virtually) into things that interest you - not things you NEED, but things you ENJOY.

“Start investigating the many ways you can put yourself out there and network. Expand your interests and your experiences. As you connect with kindred others, the potential for joy will increase in your life, as will your magnetic energy.”

*This week’s deck is The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor (affiliate link).

Back and Forth - The Quantum Oracle

Daily Divination

On the intention seesaw.

You are getting nowhere sitting on that fence. “Fear of making the wrong decision causes you to make no decision at all. Your energy is stagnant, perpetuating the same old feelings and results.”

If you do not change things, you will be caught in this cycle forever - there really is no end until you take action.

Stop trying to figure out the “right” decision and perfect timing. Instead, consider what is the next best direction… not what is the “perfect” direction. It is time.

*This week’s deck is The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor (affiliate link).

Professional Assistance - The Quantum Oracle

Daily Divination

Expert Support

We all could use a little help right now… in what area could you use some support?

This is a message that it is OK to ask for help. You may not need professional help, but you do need help from someone who knows more about what you are struggling with. It is not a sign of weakness to ask for help - we are not meant to be experts in everything, and that is why we all have our own unique gifts.

Please allow… “The potential for great assistance is open to you now, so don’t hesitate to pursue it.”

*This week’s deck is The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor (affiliate link).

A Creative Endeavor - The Quantum Oracle

Daily Divination

Soul Expression

New inspiration is flowing and this is a time of great creativity for you. It is time to take action on creative activities that call to your heart.

Yes, you may feel a more creative flow with your business endeavors, but this card heralds more personal creativity. What is it that makes your heart sing and your soul soar? What is it that brings you joy, grounds you, and makes you feel more balanced?

“Set aside your doubts, share your talents with the world, and express your soul’s desire. This card is singing your praises…and so should you.”

*This week’s deck is The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor (affiliate link).

Optimism - The Quantum Oracle

Daily Divination

Bright Future

“Your reality is shifting in a much more positive direction.” Can you feel it?

Even if you cannot, you can nurture it as you allow all the old gunk, limiting beliefs, fears, and doubts to fall away and CHOOSE to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

We all make a choice, in every moment, to see and dwell in fear and negativity OR to see, imagine, and co-create opportunities for joy.

No, you cannot hide from the things going on in your life, nor ignore emotions that need to be felt and healed… however, you can also be simultaneously adjusting your mindset and therefore calling in more joyous energy.

*This week’s deck is The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor (affiliate link).

Fear - The Quantum Oracle

Daily Divination


What are you worried about?

“This card indicates that a fearful attitude has overtaken you lately, and you can’t seem to break away from the anxiety-filled view of things.” Allowing this fear to consume you, control your choices, and prevent you from living is getting old. You walked out on that ledge, and you can turn around and see the glorious castle, blue skies and calm beach available to you at any time.

You have the power to turn things around and the “inner strength to choose a more optimistic and self-directed approach.”

It is time to deal with the fear… break it down. What are you actually afraid of? What if it is actually not real, but all in your head? Can you change your thinking and move from fear to confidence?

“Let the negative patterns go. Choose the energy of trust instead of fear, and know that you have the power to handle anything that may come your way. Your self-trust honors your soul’s strength.”

AFFIRMATION: “I release worry and choose trust. My peaceful choices expand the peace and power in my life.”

*This week’s deck is The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor (affiliate link).

Teacher - The Quantum Oracle

Daily Divination


Sometimes you are the teacher, sometimes you are the student… now, you may be simultaneously both.

As you are thrown into new roles during this time, do not overlook the wonder and the magic of being a beginner, a student… we are all students now, of this new existence.

Before you jump into all the amazing virtual studies afforded you now with the downtime… do not miss the most valuable opportunity of all - the study of YOU.

Take the time to go within and learn more about yourself, your true self… the one you may have been afraid to let shine. Get to know her/him and the things you like and dislike, the things you have always wanted to do… the dreams.

“Open your heart and remember that Spirit brings guidance as well. Be willing to receive the direction you need - and to share the wisdom you have.”

*This week’s deck is The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor (affiliate link).

Great Gratitude - The Quantum Oracle

Daily Divination

Enthusiasm for life.

Though it may be difficult to see the beauty and wonder that is all around us during this uncertainty, that is exactly what we need to do.

“You have much to be grateful for, even if you don’t always notice it. Your choice to acknowledge the many sources of value in your life acts like a beacon in the Universe, one that draws many more things to appreciate to you.”

So what are you grateful for today?

*This week’s deck is The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor (affiliate link).

The Honoring Path - The Quantum Oracle

Daily Divination

Respect and High Regard

On this incredible holiday - Christmas, the Christian holiday honoring the birth of Christ - this card honors YOU!

This card is honoring the progress you have already made. As you begin to recognize it, others will as well. It is time to reap the rewards of all the seeds you have planted and have been cultivating.

More than that, it is a call to start seeing “the best in yourself, and as your self-regard increases, others will see the best in you also. The energy of self-honor is the only way to get the response from the Universe you are looking for.”

So again, we are being called to self-love, self-care, self-respect, and self-regard. When we can totally embrace and honor ourselves, the world is our oyster, as they say. Existing in that sort of energy daily gives us the power to co-create amazing things.

AFFIRMATION: “I choose to prioritize myself. I am a truly valuable person, deserving of my own self-care.”

*This week’s deck is The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor (affiliate link).

Teacher - The Quantum Oracle

Daily Divination


Sometimes you are the teacher, sometimes you are the student… now, you may be simultaneously both.

As you are thrown into new roles during this time, do not overlook the wonder and the magic of being a beginner, a student… we are all students now, of this new existence.

Before you jump into all the amazing virtual studies afforded you now with the downtime… do not miss the most valuable opportunity of all - the study of YOU.

Take the time to go within and learn more about yourself, your true self… the one you may have been afraid to let shine. Get to know her/him and the things you like and dislike, the things you have always wanted to do… the dreams.

“Open your heart and remember that Spirit brings guidance as well. Be willing to receive the direction you need - and to share the wisdom you have.”

*This week’s deck is The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor (affiliate link).

Professional Assistance - The Quantum Oracle

PROFESSIONAL ASSISTANCE: The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor

Daily Divination - Friday, February 19, 2021

Expert Support

We all could use a little help right now… in what area could you use some support?

This is a message that it is OK to ask for help. You may not need professional help, but you do need help from someone who knows more about what you are struggling with. It is not a sign of weakness to ask for help - we are not meant to be experts in everything, that is why we all have our own unique gifts.

Please allow… “The potential for great assistance is open to you now, so don’t hesitate to pursue it.”

*This week’s deck is The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor (affiliate link).

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Great Gratitude - The Quantum Oracle

GREAT GRATITUDE: The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor

Daily Divination - Thursday, February 18, 2021

Enthusiasm for life.

Perfect card for #ThankfulThursday! Though it may be difficult to see the beauty and wonder that is all around us during this uncertainty, that is exactly what we need to do.

“You have much to be grateful for, even if you don’t always notice it. Your choice to acknowledge the many sources of value in your life acts like a beacon in the Universe, one that draws many more things to appreciate to you.”

So what are you grateful for today?

*This week’s deck is The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor (affiliate link).

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Optimism - The Quantum Oracle

OPTIMISM: The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor, bright future

Daily Divination - Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Bright Future

“Your reality is shifting in a much more positive direction.” Can you feel it?

Even if you cannot, you can nurture it as you allow all the old gunk, limiting beliefs, fears and doubts to fall away and CHOOSE to see the light at the end of the tunnel.

We all make a choice, in every moment, to see and dwell in fear and negativity OR to see, imagine, and co-create opportunities for joy.

No, you cannot hide from the things going on in your life, nor ignore emotions that need to be felt and healed… however, you can also be simultaneously adjusting your mindset and therefore calling in more joyous energy.

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*This week’s deck is The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor (affiliate link).

Fear - The Quantum Oracle

FEAR: The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor

Daily Divination - Tuesday, February 16, 2021


What are you worried about?

“This card indicates that a fearful attitude has overtaken you lately, and you can’t seem to break away from the anxiety-filled view of things.” Allowing this fear to consume you, control your choices, and prevent you from living is getting old. You walked out on that ledge, and you can turn around and see the glorious castle, blue skies and calm beach available to you at any time.

You have the power to turn things around and the “inner strength to choose a more optimistic and self-directed approach.”

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It is time to deal with the fear… break it down. What are you actually afraid of? What if it is actually not real, but all in your head? Can you change your thinking and move from fear to confidence?

“Let the negative patterns go. Choose the energy of trust instead of fear, and know that you have the power to handle anything that may come your way. Your self-trust honors your soul’s strength.”

AFFIRMATION: “I release worry and choose trust. My peaceful choices expand the peace and power in my life.”

*This week’s deck is The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor (affiliate link).

The Honoring Path - The Quantum Oracle

THE HONORING PATH: The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor

Daily Divination - Monday, February 15, 2021

Respect and High Regard

It is time to start seeing “the best in yourself, and as your self-regard increases, others will see the best in you also. The energy of self-honor is the only way to get the response from the Universe you are looking for.”

Progress is made in baby steps, small decisions, and changes made in each and every moment. Honor the progress you have already made. As you begin to recognize it, others will as well. It is time to reap the rewards of all the seeds you have planted and have been cultivating.

So again, we are being called to self-love, self-care, self-respect, self-regard. When we can totally embrace and honor ourselves, the world is our oyster, as they say. Existing in that sort of energy daily gives us the power to co-create amazing things.

AFFIRMATION: “I choose to prioritize myself. I am a truly valuable person, deserving of my own self-care.”

*This week’s deck is The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor (affiliate link).

The Loving Woman - The Quantum Oracle

THE LOVING WOMAN: The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor, tenderhearted feminine energy

Daily Divination - Sunday, February 14, 2021

Tenderhearted Feminine Energy

This card can traditionally mean that there is a woman in your life or coming into your life with supportive and caring energy - a family member, a friend, a mentor, a business acquaintance.

Look at the image - can you feel that love and support? After the rush of the holidays, take a moment, and really connect with that feeling of care and support. Our guides have been urging us, almost pounding us, with the message of self-love and self-care this week.

Rather than waiting for someone else to show you this care and support, what if this loving woman is you? She can be you when you take the time to just be and allow your light to shine... when you choose YOU, your feelings, your health, your JOY over other people’s needs, expectations, and demands. It is OK to say NO to other things and YES to YOU!

AFFIRMATION: “I treat myself with love and compassion, and I attract those energies in my daily life.”

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*This week’s deck is The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor (affiliate link).

A Creative Endeavor - The Quantum Oracle

A CREATIVE ENDEAVOR: The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor, soul expression

Daily Divination - Saturday, February 13, 2021

Soul Expression

New inspiration is flowing and this is a time of great creativity for you. It is time to take action on creative activities that call to your heart.

Yes, you may feel a more creative flow with your business endeavors, but this card heralds more personal creativity. What is it that makes your heart sing and your soul soar? What is it that brings you joy, grounds you, and makes you feel more balanced?

“Set aside your doubts, share your talents with the world, and express your soul’s desire. This card is singing your praises…and so should you.”

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*This week’s deck is The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor (affiliate link).

True Love - The Quantum Oracle

TRUE LOVE: The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor, connections

Daily Divination - Sunday, November 22, 2020

Real Connections

At its base level, for some, this indicates a new love, friend, or business connection - one that admires you for who you are. BUT really, this card holds a more profound message about yourself.

“The world is a reflection of how you view and care for yourself. The higher your regard for yourself, the greater your ability to manifest your deepest desires. Open your heart to the unlimited value you bring to the world, and know that your soul applauds you for your choice of genuine self-love.”

Your energy will attract the same energy into your life. So, if your self-talk is filled with doubts, fears, negativity toward your intelligence, skills, talents, looks, or body, you certainly are NOT going to attract people into your life who think highly of you. LOVE BEGINS WITH YOU!

AFFIRMATION: “I love and care for myself more and more each day. I attract loving people because I engage in self-loving energy.”

*This week’s deck is The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor (affiliate link).

Fragmented Energy - The Quantum Oracle

FRAGMENTED ENERGY: The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor

Daily Divination - Saturday, November 21, 2020

Too many pieces.

You may feel like your life is falling apart, the puzzle pieces scattering. BUT, what if it is actually falling into place? The pieces, one by one, finding their soul, their purpose, their light.

“Balance is necessary now. It’s time to slow down, reduce your “have-to’s,” and give yourself a break. Choose the path that calls to your heart…”

It is not time to try to figure everything out… spreading your mind and energy in millions of places. Quiet your mind, let all the thoughts and worries just flow through until you reach a calm. Sometimes writing them all down can release your minds need to spin them around over and over.

Allow the pieces of your life to find their own natural flow and they will slowly fall into place. All is well.

*This week’s deck is The Quantum Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor (affiliate link).