The Temple Path

THE TEMPLE PATH (reversed) - Energy Oracle

Daily Divination - Wednesday, December 29, 2021

THE TEMPLE PATH (reversed)

Have you fallen off your path?

When you receive this card reversed, it’s literally a cosmic nudge from your loving Spirit Team. They are asking for you to pay attention and get clear. What is going on inside of you? Are you wrapped up in the what ifs and who’s not doing you right? Are you focusing on the material gains and desires in life, and not remembering that money and attainment of status or title mean nothing when these achievements take you away from your soul and your purpose here on earth?

“Whatever is distracting you, receiving this card is a firm message that it’s time to make your spiritual life and evolution a much higher priority. Not doing so represents an important loss of power.  So, clear your mind, meditate, and open up to the presence of Spirit...Not turning to them (your Spirit Team) is like cursing the dark when you refuse to turn on the lights.”

*This week’s deck is the Energy Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Sandra Anne Taylor.

The Temple Path - Energy Oracle

THE TEMPLE PATH: Energy Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor

Daily Divination - Wednesday, April 8, 2020


Yesss, this is my favorite card to get in the entire deck!

Look at it, the beautiful spirit lights, leading you straight to where you are meant to be…you are moving in the direction that your soul had in mind for your spiritual path. This is confirmation. Keep going!

“Receiving this card represents your own spiritual evolution. This is a wonderful, life-expanding time, so keep in mind your personal priorities as well as your spiritual connection. Following your higher intentions will help you move your life forward in dramatic ways, and connecting with spirit - and your higher self - will have a wonderful influence on all that you experience.”

*This week’s deck is the Energy Oracle Cards by Sandra Anne Taylor.

Daily Divination - Wednesday, April 3, 2019

THE TEMPLE PATH (reversed) - Energy Oracle

THE TEMPLE PATH (reversed)

Have you fallen off your path?

When you receive this card reversed, it’s literally a cosmic nudge from your loving Spirit Team. They are asking for you to pay attention and get clear. What is going on inside of you? Are you wrapped up in the what ifs and who’s not doing you right? Are you focusing on the material gains and desires in life, and not remembering that money and attainment of status or title mean nothing when these achievements take you away from your soul and your purpose here on earth?

“Whatever is distracting you, receiving this card is a firm message that it’s time to make your spiritual life and evolution a much higher priority. Not doing so represents an important loss of power.  So, clear your mind, meditate, and open up to the presence of Spirit...Not turning to them (your Spirit Team) is like cursing the dark when you refuse to turn on the lights.”

*This week’s deck is the Energy Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Sandra Anne Taylor.