Walking Away

Walking Away (reversed) - Energy Oracle

WALKING AWAY (reversed): Energy Oracle by Sandra Anne Taylor

Daily Divination - Friday, April 10, 2020

WALKING AWAY (reversed)

"This card reversed signals that you may be feeling very stuck in some present situation or location. There may be a job or a relationship that no longer resonates with you. Yet out of habit, or perhaps fear, you allow yourself to stay when it might be healthier to consider walking away."

We are in a period of confinement in our world right now. Many of us are in situations where we are not able to move around as we wish or have the freedom to roam as we once did, and we may not be able to or be ready to end a situation that offers us some form of familiarity and security.

It's okay. Don't beat yourself up. Perhaps the timing isn't right, and until our universe clears the energy of sickness from its field, we may have to endure a bit more constriction that we would like. 

Just focus on what you can control right now, and that is your thoughts and reaction to life and the events unfolding around you. YOU are the most powerful co-creator of your experience. 

"Whenever you walk away from negativity, you always move toward greater happiness."

*This week’s deck is the Energy Oracle Cards by Sandra Anne Taylor.