
Daily Divination - Friday, April 5, 2019

THE GARDEN AND THE GATE (reversed) - Energy Oracle


Breathing a sigh of relief and welcoming in freedom from suffering…

After the up and down energy of this week, the power struggle, the fear, the fall from gratitude and possibly even grace, to this exciting change in your energy. This is the moment when you choose to see things differently and open up to an entirely new perspective and a world of uncharted landscapes.

You have let go of the oppression of the worldly and material concerns, and you are finally open to the depth and possibilities that Spirit has to offer.

“Many people believe that they cannot live in the material world, make lots of money, and engage in spiritual priorities at the same time. But you now realize that this isn’t true! In fact, you can bring this wonderful spiritual focus to any endeavor. And when you do, you’ll find that beyond your garden, the Universe is willing to fill your life with beauty and joy. Expect the unexpected, for joyous synchronicities abound.”

*This week’s deck is the Energy Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Sandra Anne Taylor.

Daily Divination - Thursday, April 4, 2019

APPRECIATION (reversed) - Energy Oracle


So, what happened to “counting your blessings” and “being grateful for all that you have”?

“Receiving this card reversed is a warning that you are missing some important opportunities. You’ve lost your sense of gratitude and have gotten caught up in the prickly brambles of negativity, and possibly even despair.”

Spirit’s remedy is to turn that frown upside down.

Focus on what is good in your life and stop focusing on what you don’t have or what you think is being withheld from you.

“Your refusal to appreciate even the small pleasures in life will cause them to drop from your hands and keep you stuck in some of your problem patterns, causing you to lament your lack even more...the more you appreciate your life, the more your life will appreciate in value…”

*This week’s deck is the Energy Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Sandra Anne Taylor.