you'll know in the morning

You'll Know in the Morning - Magical Unicorns Oracle

Daily Divination - Monday, November 22, 2021


I’ll know WHAT in the morning?!?!?

We are in uncharted territory here - all of us. What I do know is that this time will bring clarity… more quickly to some, and others will work through some more things first.

But have faith, that the morning will come. The morning when you wake up and you know… you know what you want, you know what id ahead, you know who you are and you know what to do.

We need only take this time - this “time out” to go within and listen. Rest your mind and let your soul do the work. You will remember… in the morning.

*This week’s deck is the Magical Unicorns Oracle (affiliate link).

You'll Know in the Morning - Magical Unicorns Oracle

YOU’LL KNOW IN THE MORNING: Magical Unicorns Oracle, Doreen Virtue

Daily Divination - Monday, March 23, 2020


I’ll know WHAT in the morning?!?!?

We are in uncharted territory here - all of us. What I do know is that this time will bring clarity… more quickly to some, and others will work through some more things first.

But have faith, that the morning will come. The morning when you wake up and you know… you know what you want, you know what id ahead, you know who you are and you know what to do.

We need only take this time - this “time out” to go within and listen. Rest your mind and let your soul do the work. You will remember… in the morning.

*This week’s deck is the Magical Unicorns Oracle (affiliate link).