ANGEL OF DIET AND NUTRITION - Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

Daily Divination - July 9, 2022


“ Pay attention to what you eat and drink; you intuitively know what is good for you.“

Sometimes we make bad choices in our food decisions. We know that potato chips and chocolate chip cookies are not good nutrition though they may feed a part of our soul that needs comfort. However, if you feed your body whole, fresh, natural foods you’ll naturally feel better.

“You are being urged to pay attention to what you eat and drink: make sure you maintain a balanced diet. Remember, you intuitively know what is good for you. Simply pay attention and be mindful – all in moderation. 

You’re also being urged to pay attention to your thoughts. Healthy nutrition is not solely derived from what we eat and drink, it also stems from our thoughts. Positive and loving thoughts are just as nourishing as good food and drink. Let go of every fearful and negative thought and replace it all with love; there is nothing to fear.”

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.