and Goddesses

GODDESS OF PSYCHIC PROTECTION - Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

Daily Divination - July 21, 2022


“What you believe you create; no one can harm you.“

Ask the angels to surround you whenever you feel scared, sad, or angry as they will protect you. Trust that the angels always surround you and let go of fears that may keep you from moving forward. Remember the saying, “what you think about, you bring about,” and try to maintain a healthy attitude and not let fear or anxiety create negativity.

“All is energetically connected to the light of love. No one can psychically harm you, possess you, or influence you unless you believe they can. What you believe, you create! You do not need to protect yourself from others as much as you need to protect yourself from your own negative beliefs and fears. To dissolve these beliefs and fears all you need to do is focus on the light and love within and around you,  and within and around every living thing. Imagine pure light surrounding you every moment of your life. Know you’re always protected and forever within God’s light.”

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.

ANGEL OF SPACE CLEARING - Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

Daily Divination - July 20, 2022


“It is time to clear all negative thoughts and feelings.“

It’s that time of year to clear your mind of negative thoughts and feelings as well as to clear your physical space of things you no longer need or bring you joy. Let go of the things that are broken, irreparable, and no longer useful or loved. Release any limiting beliefs, negative thoughts, and self-judgments. Replace them with new ideas, compassionate thoughts, and self-love.

The angel of space clearing “wants to help you clear the negative thought patterns and feelings which have surfaced recently as a result of your dwelling on past mistakes and regret. These unconstructive thoughts and feelings are the primary source of stress in your life at present. Not only are they causing you to feel confused, but they are also preventing positive new energies from entering your life.

Close your eyes and feel the loving presence of the beautiful angel who is here to help you clear and heal all those unwanted thoughts and emotions. Imagine yourself being showered with light. Imagine a beam of rainbow-colored light penetrating your heart while another beam of rainbow light penetrates your mind. Feel your thoughts and perceptions begin to relax and your emotions become clear, calm, and balanced. Now give thanks to God and your angel for this wonderful healing.”

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.

ANGEL OF SOUL LOVE - Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

Daily Divination - July 19, 2022


“Time to look at how you value yourself; issues of self-love.“

How are you treating yourself? Are you treating yourself as well as you treat everyone else? If not it’s time to look at how you treat and value yourself. You are worthy of self-love and love from others. 

“The world around you is simply a reflection of your inner world, beliefs, and feelings. There is a person or a group of people in your life at present who keep putting you down and undervaluing what you say or do. This message has shown up today to help you work through your healing of this issue.

From a higher perspective, all happens as an act of love. The people in your life at present are simply here to help you face your own feelings of inadequacy, self-worth, and self-love. Stand up for yourself regardless of what others think or say and know that you are eternally worthy of love. In essence, you are a wondrous and beautiful being of light and love. You are held in an eternal embrace by the soul of creation, loved and valued more than you’ll ever know.

Start to have loving thoughts for yourself; you are perfect just as you are. There is no need to change anything about you except for the perceptions you hold about yourself. Affirm to yourself many times each day, “I am love, I am light, I value and honor myself through my thoughts and through all I say and do. The more I love and value myself the more love and value I attract from those around me.“ 

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.

ANGEL OF PRAYER - Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

Daily Divination - July 18, 2022


“Ask the universe and the angels for help and guidance.”

The angels are always around you and ready to help you; all you have to do is ask. They want to help, guide and support you in all aspects of your life.

“You are never alone, nor do you need to tackle or solve everything on your own. The universe, God, Goddess, and the angels are always listening; all you need to do is ask for their help and guidance.

 Prayer does not need to be formal or structured as has been the tradition for so long in many religions. You may converse with the universe, God/Goddess, the angels, ascended masters, and all beings of light and love, in your own language and in your own way. The universal power is your loving friend.

The pure essence of creation responds immediately to all your requests, however, due to the universal law of choice, it will not act or intervene unless it is asked to do so. Discuss the current issue along with any other fear or concerns you may have with the angel of prayer.“

Remember to a large degree, we create our reality by what we think about, dream about, and imagine. Simply think a little bigger and ask the angel of the universe to guide you.“

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.

ANGEL OF SELF-WORTH - Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

Daily Divination - July 17, 2022


“You are currently undervaluing yourself; it is time to regain your self-worth.”

Do you criticize, undervalue, or judge yourself? The angels surround you with love and whisper in your ear loving, kind, and empowering words to remind you how valuable you are to your family, friends, and the world. Listen to the angels. 

The angels are “ here today to reflect unto you all the beauty, love, and light that you are and to help you regain your sense of self-worth. Feel the healing light penetrate your aura this very moment and affirm to yourself:

I am a being of light and love. I love and value the many wonderful qualities I possess. From this moment forward, I will honor and value myself, all I am and all I do, in the knowledge that I am part of God’s creation I am worthy of love.

Repeat this affirmation several times each day either out loud or in the silence of your heart. Reflect upon each word and truly believe in each one. Express each word with all your heart and soul. As you begin to value yourself, you will find that others also start to value you. “

When you are feeling disconnected, “chant Om three times to align with the communion of the Holy Angels, and Raphael will show you the way.”

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.

GODDESS OF THE SHADOWS - Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

Daily Divination - July 16, 2022


“What you perceive to be your dark side holds a hidden treasure.”

Everyone has two sides to themselves, the light and the dark. But don’t be afraid of the dark side, a lot of treasures can be found within. Share the light side and embrace your dark side. 

“Realize that any perception or belief you have about yourself or others is actually a deception more than it is a perception. What you perceive to be a dark side or shadow self holds a hidden treasure.

As humans, we rarely see the full picture in any situation because we are forever stuck in the illusion of good and bad. “Don’t judge your positive and negative qualities to try and be more positive because you’re denying your whole self.” “By holding this belief, you fail to realize that all serve a purpose and that all benefits you in some way.”

“Everything in our world is made up of positive and negative charges which together make a whole...You Are ready to move to the next level of conscious awareness. This card heralds the start of a wondrous and empowering period of your life which  brings to the surface many beautiful experiences and opportunities, which, in the past, you never thought possible.”

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.

GODDESS OF THE SACRED PATH - Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

Daily Divination - July 15, 2022


“Let go of logic and trust your intuition.“

Sometimes logic can only get you so far, ask your angels for guidance and trust the messages you receive. Trust your intuition and take the steps given to you as that will lead you down your sacred path. When we start listening to our intuition we open to a whole new world of possibilities!

“This is a time to let go of what you think is logical and trust your feelings. What is it that you would truly love to do experience at this point in your life? Imagine. If you could do anything what would it be? The answer dwells in your heart, not your mind. This is because your heart holds your true essence, it is the gateway to your soul – – whereas the mind dwells more within fears which often prevent us from fulfilling our true potential. 

All is possible, when what you choose to do and experience, aligns with your heartfelt purpose and dreams. Trust your feelings. Start to keep a journal and what you express and explore all it is you would truly love to be, have, and do in life. Do this lovingly and honestly and you’ll be gently guided along your sacred path.”

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.

GODDESS OF ONENESS - Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

Daily Divination - July 14, 2022


“ Someone you love is thinking fondly of you at the moment.“

We are all one. We are connected. We breathe the same air, we look at the same moon and sun, and we all live and die. It’s a beautiful thing when we can remember that. 

“Remember that love is not restricted by time or space and you are forever connected spiritually to those you love and care for. It is understandable that you may be sad because You are physically apart from someone you dearly love.

Alternatively, you may be saddened by a loved one’s recent passing from the Earth plane. Through this card they are making their presence felt,  they have not left you and will not leave you; they are forever with you in spirits  The bonds of love can never be broken. Feel and acknowledge their presence, for they are with you in spirit right now.“

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.

ANGEL OF MANIFESTATION - Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

Daily Divination - July 13, 2022


“Your efforts, determination, and perseverance have paid off.“

Using your intuition and manifestation magic you can create the life you desire and have the things in your life that matter. Focus on what you want not what you don’t want. With faith, belief, and action you can manifest your heart’s desires. 

“Something you have yearned for, dreamt of, and worked towards is about to manifest. Keep your focus and balance and do not lose sight of your original purpose.”

Remember to thank your angels, gods and goddesses, your higher power, and the universe for this blessing. Continue to create the life you desire.

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.

ANGEL OF PSYCHIC ABILITY - Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

Daily Divination - July 12, 2022


Your intuitive and psychic abilities are strong at present.“

This is a message to pay attention to the messages you receive via your physical, emotional, and spiritual sensitivities. Go within and ask for guidance, direction, and insight. Trust your intuitive abilities. Trust your feelings. Trust your gut. They always guide you to your highest and best.

“Your intuitive and psychic abilities a very strong at present in this gives you the ability to see through things. You were being urged to pay particular attention to what you sense and feel, rather than what you are told or shown. Trust your instincts when you are around particular people or situations. You will instinctively know what is right for you...if it doesn’t feel right for you then it’s not.”

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.

ANGEL OF UNION - Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

Daily Divination - July 11, 2022


“A partnership is blessed and destined for greatness.“

You may rekindle a relationship with a former partner that has transformed into something that will be long-lasting and filled with love. Open your heart and receive the love being given to you. Give that love back with your whole heart.

“A merger, partnership, or relationship of some kind is being formed which holds long-term benefits for your life.

This relationship, partnership on a merger is with someone you already know or deal with, is blessed and destined for the great success of some kind. Many great and wonderful things are birthed as a result of this union, which will continue to grow and strengthen for the rest of your life. Thank the universe for this wonderful blessing!”

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.

GODDESS OF COMPASSION- Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

Daily Divination -July 10, 2022


“Self-criticism is diminishing your sense of self-worth.”

You are compassionate with everyone else in your life but yourself. Turn that compassion inward and realize how worthy you are of love, joy, and compassion. Be more compassionate with yourself.

“At the core of every living thing only love exists. Your personality in the role you play in this life is only transitory and ultimately, an illusion. Positive and negative qualities exist in everyone and in everything. A more accurate description of positive and negative is Yin and Yang, but in reality, there is neither positive nor negative only opposite qualities which make us whole. 

Self-criticism is diminishing your sense of self-worth and keeping you in the illusion that you need to improve in order to be worthy of success, happiness, and fulfillment. Have compassion; love and accept all who you are as you are, and stop striving for something that is impossible to attain. Through love, your life magically transforms.

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.

ANGEL OF DIET AND NUTRITION - Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

Daily Divination - July 9, 2022


“ Pay attention to what you eat and drink; you intuitively know what is good for you.“

Sometimes we make bad choices in our food decisions. We know that potato chips and chocolate chip cookies are not good nutrition though they may feed a part of our soul that needs comfort. However, if you feed your body whole, fresh, natural foods you’ll naturally feel better.

“You are being urged to pay attention to what you eat and drink: make sure you maintain a balanced diet. Remember, you intuitively know what is good for you. Simply pay attention and be mindful – all in moderation. 

You’re also being urged to pay attention to your thoughts. Healthy nutrition is not solely derived from what we eat and drink, it also stems from our thoughts. Positive and loving thoughts are just as nourishing as good food and drink. Let go of every fearful and negative thought and replace it all with love; there is nothing to fear.”

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.

ANGEL OF VISION - Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

Daily Divination - July 8, 2022


“Someone is not revealing part of the story; trust your feelings over what others say.“

You intuitively understand what people say and mean; you can read between the lines. Trust those feelings as you communicate with others and follow the guidance you receive. 

“The angel of vision has appeared in your reading today to help you to see through a particular situation that is affecting your life at present. There is more to the current situation than meets the eye. The person or people involved are hiding part of the truth and are not revealing the full story.

Do not rely on what you were shown or told; rather, start to pay attention to your intuition. What is your gut feeling regarding this present event? Trust your feelings and natural instincts instead of relying on what others say. All will be revealed through the light of love and the current stream of events will turn in your favor.”

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.

ANGEL OF EXPRESSION - Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

Daily Divination - July 7, 2022


“Speak your truth and express yourself clearly.”

Do you hold back from speaking up? Be honest with yourself and be honest with others and speak your truth. The only way we can truly connect with each other is to express ourselves truthfully, respectfully, and clearly.

“There is something you are not expressing because you fear hurting someone you love or care for. The angels encourage you to speak your truth and express yourself clearly. Know that the truth when spoken honestly, clearly, and with love, will never hurt anyone. Lack of self-expression is soul-destroying for all concerned and prevents life‘s natural flow. By expressing yourself honestly and clearly. The situation with another will heal in accordance with the highest good of all concerned. Trust— for the power that made you both, will heal you both.”

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.

ANGEL OF ABUNDANCE - Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

Daily Divination - July 6, 2022


“ A steady flow of abundance is about to manifest.“

Be open and ready to receive as abundance is coming your way. Believe and trust in the power of the Universe’s generosity. Keep an open heart and mind. Give and receive freely without expectations or judgment.

“The angel of abundance is bestowing a special blessing upon you. Accept this blessing of light and allow it to flow through your heart and mind; allow it to both illuminate and inspire you.

A steady flow of abundance is about to manifest in your life because of your willingness in recent months to give and receive in equal measure. True abundance manifests when we love and value ourselves as much as we love and value those that are dear to us. Accept all the abundance the universe is offering you in the clear knowledge that you deserve it.”

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.

ANGEL OF THE UNIVERSE - Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

Daily Divination - July 5, 2022


“You are being encouraged to expand your thinking.“

It is time for you to look at your life and work from a broader more universal perspective. What have you always wanted to do and have put off because you don’t have the time, energy, or resources? This card is a message from the angels reminding you that you have all you need and it is time to move forward with confidence, courage, and conviction. 

“The angels congratulate you for all you have done today to serve and help humanity and those around you. Yet it is time to move on to the next level. Trust your angels and the universe for they will guide you. There is no need for anxiety or fear. You are simply being encouraged to think a little bigger.

Remember to a large degree, we create our reality by what we think about, dream about, and imagine. Simply think a little bigger and ask the angel of the universe to guide you.“

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.

GOD OF THE ARTS - Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

Daily Divination - July 4, 2022


“The artist within you is about to emerge.”

Have you been denying or ignoring your creativity? The call of creativity is knocking at your door. It’s time to open the door to creative opportunities, experiences, and activities. Even if you don’t feel creative, you are! We are all creators! 

“The true artist within you is about to emerge. You will soon feel a strong urge to express yourself creatively. This creative expression will lead you to new and exciting ventures, projects, and ideas.

Expressing yourself creatively will also help you to balance and heal your emotions, which in turn will help balance and heal you physically. This is a time to be authentic and true to yourself. Allow yourself to express all you feel without reservation, censorship, or judgment. Honor the inner child within you—and just be you. You can express yourself artistically in endless ways -– painting, sculpture, dancing, singing, playing a new musical instrument, gardening, knitting, carpentry, woodwork, pottery, and writing are a few of the many ways in which you can express yourself imaginatively and creatively.“

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.

Dissolving Judgments - Oracle

RAPHAEL: COMMUNION - Angels of Atlantis Oracle by Stewart Pearce

Daily Divination - Saturday, June 19th, 2021

Dissolving Judgments

“I don’t have to like the actions of the others in order to love my journey“

When we remove judgment, which includes resentments, we become free to move forward with joy in our hearts, no matter what others choose.

I don’t have to like what they choose,  but it also doesn't have to bother me...

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.

ANGEL OF VISION - Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

RAPHAEL: COMMUNION - Angels of Atlantis Oracle by Stewart Pearce

Daily Divination - Friday, June 18th, 2021


“Someone is not revealing part of the story; trust your feelings over what others say.“

You intuitively understand what people say and mean; you can read between the lines. Trust those feelings as you communicate with others and follow the guidance you receive. 

“The angel of vision has appeared in your reading today to help you to see through a particular situation that is affecting your life at present. There is more to the current situation than meets the eye. The person or people involved are hiding part of the truth and are not revealing the full story.

Do not rely on what you were shown or told; rather, start to pay attention to your intuition. What is your gut feeling regarding this present event? Trust your feelings and natural instincts instead of relying on what others say. All will be revealed through the light of love and the current stream of events will turn in your favor.”

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.