ANGEL OF EXPRESSION - Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

Daily Divination - July 7, 2022


“Speak your truth and express yourself clearly.”

Do you hold back from speaking up? Be honest with yourself and be honest with others and speak your truth. The only way we can truly connect with each other is to express ourselves truthfully, respectfully, and clearly.

“There is something you are not expressing because you fear hurting someone you love or care for. The angels encourage you to speak your truth and express yourself clearly. Know that the truth when spoken honestly, clearly, and with love, will never hurt anyone. Lack of self-expression is soul-destroying for all concerned and prevents life‘s natural flow. By expressing yourself honestly and clearly. The situation with another will heal in accordance with the highest good of all concerned. Trust— for the power that made you both, will heal you both.”

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.