Goddess Power Oracle

GODDESS OF THE SACRED PATH - Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

Daily Divination - July 15, 2022


“Let go of logic and trust your intuition.“

Sometimes logic can only get you so far, ask your angels for guidance and trust the messages you receive. Trust your intuition and take the steps given to you as that will lead you down your sacred path. When we start listening to our intuition we open to a whole new world of possibilities!

“This is a time to let go of what you think is logical and trust your feelings. What is it that you would truly love to do experience at this point in your life? Imagine. If you could do anything what would it be? The answer dwells in your heart, not your mind. This is because your heart holds your true essence, it is the gateway to your soul – – whereas the mind dwells more within fears which often prevent us from fulfilling our true potential. 

All is possible, when what you choose to do and experience, aligns with your heartfelt purpose and dreams. Trust your feelings. Start to keep a journal and what you express and explore all it is you would truly love to be, have, and do in life. Do this lovingly and honestly and you’ll be gently guided along your sacred path.”

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.

Gerridwyn (reversed) - Goddess Power Oracle

Daily Divination - Friday, April 01, 2022

GERRIDWYN (reversed)

Note to self. The good stuff happens outside of your comfort zone. Period.

Don't be afraid to make the changes or take the risks you are facing. If you never try, you'll never know. You are a reflection of source, so how could you not already have everything you need within yourself to move beyond this moment of challenge?

"The goddess Cerridwyn comes to remind you that it is time to course-correct. Your alignment task is to turn this around by releasing all judgment toward yourself and others and reclaiming those dreams you seem to have lost. Write down those dreams and set your intentions. Then look in a mirror, imagine that you're looking into Cerridwyn's transformative cauldron, and say them out loud as if they have already happened. You are so much more than you allow yourself to be. Only good will come of your growth."

*This week’s deck is the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

Rhea (reversed) - Goddess Power Oracle

Daily Divination - Thursday, March 31, 2022

RHEA (reversed)

Now is the time to lean on and into your faith. Are you trying to CONTROL outcomes, or manipulate people or situations to do what you want as you want it? If so, it's time to remember that you simply can't control all outcomes and certainly can't change other's actions, choices, and behaviors. Let go and let God!

"The goddess Rhea reminds you that when you trust the flow state, you will find an opportunity to flow around a bend you've not discovered yet. Her alignment task for you is to let go of the branch and allow yourself to be carried on the river of your life into parts of the river you have not yet traveled through. She will ensure that although you will experience unfamiliar and unexpected things, releasing the form of it all will only result in the discovery of magic and miracles. Let go and allow the flow to do the rest! You’ll be amazed at how effortless life becomes.”

*This week’s deck is the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

Eostre - Goddess Power Oracle

Daily Divination - Wednesday, March 30, 2022

New Beginnings

Be grateful for all that is amazing in your life, accept what isn’t perfect, and know that what you don’t like at all is happening for you, not to you. BE open to the gifts all around you. Watch as a new opportunity begins to blossom for you now.

“Hope and New Life are blooming everywhere in your life right now, and this is something to celebrate. The Germanic goddess Eostre sings to you and assures you that your intentions have lain dormant long enough. When she appears, bearing the fertile power behind the coming of the spring, you may feel a surge of energy to implement your new ideas. You feel strong and capable of accomplishing so much at this time as a sense of newness permeates your life. Enjoy this wonderful time of new beginnings, and welcome the gifts of the Goddess Eostre has in store just for you!

*This week’s deck is the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

EPONA "Wise Leadership" - Goddess Power Oracle

EPONA - Wise Leadership: Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Wise Leadership

The Goddess of leadership and guidance walks with you today.

Not only are you capable of handling whatever comes your way, or whatever achievement you’ve set your sights on… but you are also a role model for those around you.

One caution, being overzealous, pushy, or bossy is not your best interest right now. You don’t need to take on the WHOLE world all at once… “even the best leaders know when to take a break” or chill out.

“Being true to who you are and placing integrity and humility equal to enthusiasm makes you a wise leader indeed, one that the goddess Epona is so proud of.”

This week’s deck is the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid.

Hera - Goddess Power Oracle

Daily Divination - Monday, March 28, 2022


Keep your eyes and ears peeled, as help is on the way. The energy has shifted, and although the stars are still making planetary adjustments, we are entering a time when the help you need to move forward with your creative and life purpose projects is now available.

"The Greek goddess Hera, wife of Zeus, knew intimately that positive alliances speed to great power. At this moment, you're magnetized to receive aid from people who have greater wisdom and can help you to the next level. Perhaps it's a mentor who appears as someone in the know. Making connections with others and finding strategic partnerships are favored right now as you explore the nature of becoming empowered by association. This is a wonderful time for all manner of connection and collaboration!”

*This week’s deck is the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

LEIZI "Revelation" - Goddess Power Oracle

Daily Divination - Sunday, March 27, 2022


“You will never be given more than you can handle.”

Perhaps something new and exciting has suddenly appeared in your life, or maybe something unexpected and or unwanted has occurred.

Whatever is being revealed to you today, understand that it is purposeful, and this new insight or information will help bring clarity into your purview.

All is well in your world.

This week’s deck is the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid.

SARASWATI "Mastery" - Goddess Power Oracle

Daily Divination - Saturday, March 26, 2022


What learning have you been putting off? What truth are you denying or ignoring?

Now is the time to go deeper, no more surface surfing.

Focus... the energy and spiritual support are here for you.

“Mastery is a genuine sense of effortless knowledge after a period of dedicated immersion. The Hindu goddess Saraswati asked you to enter her domain of art, language, knowledge, music, and poetry and make this commitment to go the distance. Immerse yourself body, mind, and spirit in discovering all aspects of what is at hand. Learn, and then learn more. Right now, if you adopt the role of apprentice and are willing to devote your heart and mind to something, you will become a true master. Deep wisdom only knows continuous learning. No matter what question you’ve come to explore, the Goddess Saraswati reminds you that the pursuit of mastery is never-ending, so enjoy every minute of it.”

This week’s deck is the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid.

GODDESS OF BEAUTY - Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

Daily Divination - Thursday, June 3rd, 2021


“You are a wondrous being of light; there is nothing to change or fix.“

You are beautiful just who you are. Remember to shine your light bright for others to see. You may not know this, but your light heals and uplifts others and brings them peace and joy. Be You. 

“You are a wonderfully beautiful being of light, yet you cannot see it because you’re comparing yourself to others instead of looking honestly and loving at yourself. 

Meditate upon the image on this card and allow your light and natural beauty to shine through. You are beautiful just as you are. There is nothing to change or fix; just love and accept yourself as you are. 

As you honor the beautiful person that you are, others will feel the light and warmth radiating from you. As a result, you’ll attract wonderful and generous people into your life that will love and appreciate you for all you truly are. Just be yourself – – that is where your  beauty lies!”

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.

GODDESS OF THE SACRED PATH - Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

RAPHAEL: COMMUNION - Angels of Atlantis Oracle by Stewart Pearce

Daily Divination - Tuesday, June 1st, 2021


“Let go of logic and trust your intuition.“

Sometimes logic can only get you so far, ask your angels for guidance and trust the messages you receive. Trust your intuition and take the steps given to you as that will lead you down your sacred path. When we start listening to our intuition we open to a whole new world of possibilities!

“This is a time to let go of what you think is logical and trust your feelings. What is it that you would truly love to do experience at this point in your life? Imagine. If you could do anything what would it be? The answer dwells in your heart not your mind. This is because your heart holds your true essence, it is the gateway to your soul – – whereas the mind dwells more within fears which often prevent us from fulfilling our true potential. 

All is possible, when what you choose to do and experience, aligns with your heartfelt purpose and dreams. Trust your feelings. Start to keep a journal and what you express and explore all it is you would truly love to be, have, and do in life. Do this lovingly and honestly and you’ll be gently guided along your sacred path.”

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.

PARVATI "Devotion" - Goddess Power Oracle

PARVATI - Devotion: Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Friday, May 07th, 2021


Stop for a moment, and praise yourself for your dedication to this world of spiritual growth, of inner work and life transformation.

No one said it would be easy, but the results are immeasurable.

Stay committed to your path, and know that you are supported.

“True commitment comes from wholehearted living in body, mind, and spirit. And the Hindu goddess Parvati rises up to greet you; she is acknowledging you for your sincere devotion to personal growth. With the world and so much turmoil, it’s not easy to devote yourself to higher knowledge and a strong faith. But if you want to serve others by being the bearer of love, compassion, and Light, you must recommit yourself every day, as unwavering in your devotion as Parvati was to Shiva and her goal of bringing peace to the world.

Parvati asks you to find silence in daily meditation to contemplate your devotion as well as your commitment to all of life and to making this world a better place. The Great Goddess is present when you renew your devotion and make that relationship primary above all else. Then, in all areas of your life, your every choice will be in alignment and in service to this truth.

When the goddess Parvati comes to visit, it is a beautiful sign that you are on the right track.”

This week’s deck is the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid.

UZUME "Humor" - Goddess Power Oracle

UZUME - Humor: Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Thursday, May 06th, 2021


Even though you may have a spiritual mission or a deeper cause…

We are called to keep an open heart, a humorous heart, a heart open to receive the joy of laughter.

"When the Japanese goddess of laughter and mirth, Uzume, enters your day, be playful and cultivate good-natured humor. Laughter is the best medicine and exceptionally healing at this time. Keep your focus on fun and positivity, and see the humor if you can. Life is not meant to be all work and no play, all focus and no release! Humor fosters resilience and lightheartedness, alleviates emotional pain, giving a much-needed break from the burdens and speed of life.

Now is the time for you to be silly, laugh more, even take up laughing yoga! Yes, the world is serious, and your dreams and desires are too, but the joyful Goddess Uzume reminds you to enjoy your life and have fun!"

This week’s deck is the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid.

SOPHIA "Divine Wisdom" - Goddess Power Oracle

SOPHIA - Divine Wisdom: Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Wednesday, May 05th, 2021

Divine Wisdom

Where are you allowing your attachments or “wishful” thinking take the place of Divine messages?

It’s time to commit to a regular practice of connection to your Highest Self… Be willing to hear the TRUTH and watch your destiny unfold.

“Human wisdom comes from personal experience, but divine wisdom is unknown to our life experience. When we asked for help, we are asking for guidance from a source greater than us - a greater unknowable mystery.

When we receive it, it is often life-altering and affects us in ways beyond our comprehension. The gnostic goddess Sophia, who brought the material world into being, arrives to show you how fate and destiny operate in relationship to synchronicity. When you least expect it, opportunities in meetings spring up as if out of nowhere. Your life begins to work out, and you sense your alignment with a higher purpose and power. Trust you are divinely protected and directed. Practice the act of faith before results; this is an essential key in co-creating your world.”

This week’s deck is the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid.

SARASWATI "Mastery" - Goddess Power Oracle

SARASWATI - Mastery: Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Tuesday, May 04th, 2021


What learning have you been putting off? What truth are you denying or ignoring?

Now is the time to go deeper, no more surface surfing.

Focus... the energy and spiritual support are here for you.

“Mastery is a genuine sense of effortless knowledge after a period of dedicated immersion. The Hindu goddess Saraswati asked you to enter her domain of art, language, knowledge, music, and poetry and make this commitment to go the distance. Immerse yourself body, mind, and spirit in discovering all aspects of what is at hand. Learn, and then learn more. Right now, if you adopt the role of apprentice and are willing to devote your heart and mind to something, you will become a true master. Deep wisdom only knows continuous learning. No matter what question you’ve come to explore, the Goddess Saraswati reminds you that the pursuit of mastery is never-ending, so enjoy every minute of it.”

This week’s deck is the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid.

SHAKTI "Transformation" - Goddess Power Oracle

SHAKTI - Transformation: Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Monday, May 3rd, 2021


Oh, the struggle...

How many times have we sworn to commit to something, be it self care, self-empowerment, spiritual study, or something that will enrich our life, yet we let the scared or wounded part of us take the lead instead?

Well, Shakti is here to let us know that the energy is shifting.

Now is our moment to begin, moving forward; even falling forward is better than no movement at all.

Seize the powerful energy that is here for you now, and watch miracles form before your eyes...

"Wonderful change is afoot in your life when the Hindu goddess Shakti comes to support you. All your longing, desire, and focus on something better in your life, coupled with your willingness to do the work, has ignited the life force energy of the Great Goddess. She responds now to bring you your heart's desire. Know that now is the perfect time to move into the highest version of yourself."

It's time to be authentic and true to you…

"You are stepping into your destiny - do so wisely and without guile, and you will be amazed at the way your world awakens with breathtaking beauty."

This week’s deck is the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid.

LEIZI "Revelation" - Goddess Power Oracle

LEIZI - Revelation: Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Saturday, May 01st, 2021


“You will never be given more than you can handle.”

Perhaps something new and exciting has suddenly appeared in your life, or maybe something unexpected and or unwanted has occurred.

Whatever is being revealed to you today, understand that it is purposeful, and this new insight or information will help bring clarity into your purview.

All is well in your world.

This week’s deck is the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid.

Sophia (reversed) - Goddess Power Oracle

SOPHIA (reversed): Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid, Divine Wisdom

Daily Divination - Friday, July 10, 2020

SOPHIA (reversed)
Divine Wisdom

Check yourself, your motives, and your sources today. Are you being swayed by untruths? Other people’s agenda? Your own agenda? Whatever the case, be sure to connect to your higher power today and listen for the truth that lies in your heart.

“When you are disconnected from your higher power, you begin to believe that you alone are the source of abundance in life. It is wise to commit to a conscious and deliberate daily connection to a higher power. When you forget to do this, you may place too much attention on materialism, work, money, goals, and the like. Let the goddess Sophia guide you to your magic. The most meaningful and beautiful expression of yourself is waiting for you.”

*This week’s deck is the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

Eostre - Goddess Power Oracle

EOSTRE: Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid, New Beginnings

Daily Divination - Thursday, July 9, 2020

New Beginnings

Be grateful for all that is amazing in your life, accept what isn’t perfect, and know that what you don’t like at all is happening for you, not to you. BE open to the gifts all around you. Watch as a new opportunity begins to blossom for you now.

“Hope and New Life are blooming everywhere in your life right now, and this is something to celebrate. The Germanic goddess Eostre sings to you and assures you that your intentions have lain dormant long enough. When she appears, bearing the fertile power behind the coming of the spring, you may feel a surge of energy to implement your new ideas. You feel strong and capable of accomplishing so much at this time as a sense of newness permeates your life. Enjoy this wonderful time of new beginnings, and welcome the gifts of the Goddess Eostre has in store just for you!

*This week’s deck is the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

Leizi - Goddess Power Oracle

LEIZI: Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid, Revelation

Daily Divination - Wednesday, July 8, 2020


Today is a time of revelation. A moment where you may very well experience the "aha" moment you've been praying about. Allow for the miracle to sweep through you. You will know when this moment is upon you.

"There are moments when synchronicity brings all the elements together for a flash of insight to rise up in you in a glorious epiphany. Whatever was not clear becomes crystalline in an instant. It's as if you are able to simultaneously perceive every facet of a diamond. You know, without a doubt, that you are on the right track as deep understanding sinks into your very soul. In this moment, change and transformation take place, and a transcendent moment is offered to you as an extraordinary gift. Now is one of those times. The Chinese goddess Leizi, mother of lightning, brings revelations into your life with the flash. She gifts you this as a result of all the hard work you have put into dismantling your old self and making space for who you want to become. This is a very auspicious time."

*This week’s deck is the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

Gerridwyn (reversed) - Goddess Power Oracle

GERRIDWYN (reversed): Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid, Potential

Daily Divination - Tuesday, July 7, 2020

GERRIDWYN (reversed)

Note to self. The good stuff happens outside of your comfort zone. Period.

Don't be afraid to make the changes or take the risks you are facing. If you never try, you'll never know. You are a reflection of source, so how could you not already have everything you need within yourself to move beyond this moment of challenge?

"The goddess Cerridwyn comes to remind you that it is time to course-correct. Your alignment task is to turn this around by releasing all judgment toward yourself and others and reclaiming those dreams you seem to have lost. Write down those dreams and set your intentions. Then look in a mirror, imagine that you're looking into Cerridwyn's transformative cauldron, and say them out loud as if they have already happened. You are so much more than you allow yourself to be. Only good will come of your growth."

*This week’s deck is the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).