Colette Baron-Reid

Dove Spirit - Be Peace

Be peace.

Take a moment and just feel into the image. Can you feel it… peace and calm rising in your heart?

“With her peaceful cooing, the gentle Dove Spirit invites you to embrace the energy of peace and allow compassion to warm your heart. You always have the power to generate peace within you, and the appearance of the Dove Spirit is a reminder that today and every day is a good day to meditate, to quiet any turbulence within as you embody tranquility.”

Today, regardless of what is going on around you, you are being asked to BE at peace, to keep peace and be the peacemaker, if necessary. Do not step into situations you are not meant to be in, but if you must, be prepared to agree to disagree and walk away.

*This week’s deck is the Spirit Animal Oracle (affiliate link) by Colette Baron-Reid.

Exchanging Gifts - Wisdom of the Oracle

Daily Divination - July 17, 2022


Now is a time to “engage in a dance of give and take, push and pull, doing and being. If you let fear guide your choices, you could deplete yourself or create an imbalance. It is not a time of just do, do do.”

Sometimes in order to be able to GIVE our best, we need to take time to just BE… and take time to RECEIVE. It is OK to receive nourishment by resting and taking time in nature. It is OK to ask for and receive help. However, “use your currency wisely and be mindful of the value others bring to your life.” Stop giving endlessly to those people and things that bring you no value.

We also must give the seeds we have planted, the ideas we have launched, and the plans we have implemented TIME to blossom, expand and perform. When we are forever chasing, pushing, and doing, we risk changing things before we even give them a chance to thrive.

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Collette Baron-Reid.

Flexible - Wisdom of the Oracle

Daily Divination - July 16, 2022


It is time for you to be the tree… firmly planted and strong, with branches that can bend and sway in the most ferocious of storms.

Too often we think that being strong and standing in our truth means we stand firm - no matter what. But what that really means is being able to bend and be flexible - listening and staying true to our heart, but not fixated on the how (what the ego wants).

Now is a time to be “willing to learn new things, teachable, malleable, yet firmly grounded in who you are. Common sense is important, but so is an open mind. Stay curious; stay open. Stay aware.”

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Collette Baron-Reid.

YANG - Wisdom of the Oracle

Daily Divination - July 15, 2022


“Now is the perfect time to act, for you can easily build momentum and make headway.”

Remember that you have the power to manifest anything in your life… you sometimes just need to get out of your own way. You are the “shaper of your destiny,” the powerful co-creator of all that is in your life and this is a clear sign of new beginnings and opportunities, so take advantage.

You have all you need to move forward, so use this powerful energy to create, create, create.

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the OracleCards (affiliate link).

No Place Like Home - Wisdom of the Oracle

Daily Divination - July 14, 2022


Authenticity is your home… it is not a town, a house, or even the people you are with… it is YOU.

You need to be comfortable in your own skin, in your own truth, before you will truly feel at home anyplace else. What can you do today to feel at home?

You can find those feelings of belonging, those feelings of unconditional love, those feelings of security and comfort that a home brings, right within your heart. Reach deep within, find the home you long for, and let those feelings shine through everything you do. That light will bring that “home” to wherever and whatever you are doing. YOU ARE HOME.

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Collette Baron-Reid.

Treasure Island - Wisdom of the Oracle

Daily Divination - July 13, 2022


“Trust your intuition to light your way now as you enter this truly prosperous phase, where all the long, hard work navigating your inner life is now paying off externally.”

Continue to listen to the little nudges of your soul. Remember… slow and steady.

There will be times to paddle and other times to float with the current. You are on your way… enjoy!

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the OracleCards (affiliate link).

Go-The-Distance - Wisdom of the Oracle

Daily Divination - July 12, 2022


“To bring your dream to life, you must think long-term and pay no attention to the fluctuations in the current of your experience. Life is not a sprint.”

There will be ups and downs and lessons to be learned on the way. Do not get discouraged… you have all the strength, endurance, and wisdom you need to get to the finish line. And the finish line is within view - even if your human eyes cannot see it yet.

Stay true to yourself and your long-term goals… do not let minor challenges throw you off course. If they do, look for the lesson in it, center yourself, and move forward. Your intuition will guide you.

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the OracleCards (affiliate link).

Yin - Wisdom of the Oracle

Daily Divination - July 11, 2022


Again, another message of ALLOWING.

“This is a time of calculated receptivity as you gracefully await what is coming to you, ready to accept it when it appears. Yin does not involve frozen dreams or even resting, but rather consciously allowing things to flow to you, poised to receive the bounty that will be made available to you.”

You must make space for miracles, not force or try to make them happen on their own.

Continue on your path, releasing patterns that do not support you, and allow the seeds you have planted to come to fruition.

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the OracleCards (affiliate link).

Rabbit Spirit - Spirit Animal Oracle

Daily Divination - Sunday, June 26, 2022

Now is a lucky time.

Over these past months, many have spent their time “underground,” dwelling in the fear, anxiety, and anger of not knowing what is next… not knowing what life can look like now that “normal” has crumbled away.

“It may seem safe below ground, but the magic happens when you come out and take the risk of being vulnerable and co-creating something new.”

We are all being invited to live differently - not “just for now” until things go back to normal - but differently, in a way, we may have no experience with. The Earth has been telling us for decades that we can no longer live as we have. Now, we see our worldwide systems - political, social, and economic, are all breaking down. They are all telling us to create something new, something better based on our inner truth. It’s time to live from our hearts.

So it is time to co-create magic… not dwell on what is no longer our truth!

*This week’s deck is the Spirit Animal Oracle (affiliate link) by Colette Baron-Reid.

Eagle Spirit - Spirit Animal Oracle

Daily Divination - Saturday, June 25, 200

Spirit has your back.

Eagle Spirit wants to know “whether you’re willing to soar to new heights, even if that means solitude for a short while.”

These uncertain times have thrown many of us into solitude, whether we craved it or not. USE THIS TIME!

You have all the wisdom you need, and sometimes you just need a higher perspective to see more clearly. Fly high like the Eagle and look at things through the eyes of love. You know what you need to do… it may not be fun, or what you wanted, but it is for your highest good and Spirit always has your back.

You can conquer your fear and any adversity, for you are “meant to know that you have the highest wisdom and courage within, gifted to you by Spirit and all the angels.” Tap into that wisdom and courage now.

“You CAN fly effortlessly, with grace, claiming what is truly yours in divine timing.”

*This week’s deck is the Spirit Animal Oracle (affiliate link) by Colette Baron-Reid.

Grasshopper Spirit - Take a leap of faith

GRASSHOPPER SPIRIT Friday, June 24, 2022

Take a leap of faith.

“Right now, you are poised to jump up into the next level of your life and move forward into something even better than you could have ever imagined. When Grasshopper Spirit appears, it is a fortuitous time to take a leap into the unknown, for Grasshopper Spirit represents the innovative spirit that says, “Why not?” and has faith in the powers of co-creation.”

What is that idea, relationship, or situation you have been wondering about? Trust your intuition, NOT YOUR FEAR, and move forward knowing you are supported. Abundance cannot flow without taking risks, taking the first step - luck is on your side now - there is “so much in store for you if you only take that leap.”

*This week’s deck is the Spirit Animal Oracle (affiliate link) by Colette Baron-Reid.

Dove Spirit - Be Peace

DOVE SPIRIT - Thursday, June 23, 200

Be peace.

Take a moment and just feel into the image. Can you feel it… peace and calm rising in your heart?

“With her peaceful cooing, the gentle Dove Spirit invites you to embrace the energy of peace and allow compassion to warm your heart. You always have the power to generate peace within you, and the appearance of the Dove Spirit is a reminder that today and every day is a good day to meditate, to quiet any turbulence within as you embody tranquility.”

Today, regardless of what is going on around you, you are being asked to BE at peace, to keep peace and be the peacemaker, if necessary. Do not step into situations you are not meant to be in, but if you must, be prepared to agree to disagree and walk away.

*This week’s deck is the Spirit Animal Oracle (affiliate link) by Colette Baron-Reid.

BROWN BEAR SPIRIT - Spirit Animal Oracle

Daily Divination - Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Take time out.

“There is a time to act and a time to focus your attention on patient strategizing. The arrival of Brown Bear Spirit signals that you are best served by foregoing hard work toward your goals at this moment and instead of taking the time out to meditate - or just take a nap so you can refresh yourself and begin planning what you want to co-create next.”

The possibilities are endless… and sleep allows for dreaming. You may want to pay attention to your dreams now as they may contain guidance and inspiration. Ponder the possibilities and contemplate if they are in alignment with your soul.

The winter does not have to be long… take advantage of this time to recharge.

This week’s deck is the Spirit Animal Oracle (affiliate link) by Colette Baron-Reid.

Bee Spirit - Spirit Animal Oracle

Daily Divination - Monday, June 20, 2022

Sweet results await.

“Sweet rewards are on their way if you are willing to get your ego out of the way and immerse yourself in the connected energy of all things.”

Bees are busy creatures working hard for the good of the hive. They know that life is so much sweeter - figuratively and through the combined creation of honey - when they work together with the spirit of the hive.

So too will your life be so much sweeter when you can connect with Spirit - and therefore the connected energy of all - for we are one.

When you spend time being busy for busy’s sake or chasing ego-driven goals, you are living separately and missing out on the magic. But, when you are “fully in alignment with the highest expression of yourself, your heart opens and creativity rushes through you seemingly without effort as you experience that nothing feels like work.”

Co-create with spirit and the work will be effortless and the results so much sweeter.

*This week’s deck is The Spirit Animal Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

Gerridwyn (reversed) - Goddess Power Oracle

Daily Divination - Friday, April 01, 2022

GERRIDWYN (reversed)

Note to self. The good stuff happens outside of your comfort zone. Period.

Don't be afraid to make the changes or take the risks you are facing. If you never try, you'll never know. You are a reflection of source, so how could you not already have everything you need within yourself to move beyond this moment of challenge?

"The goddess Cerridwyn comes to remind you that it is time to course-correct. Your alignment task is to turn this around by releasing all judgment toward yourself and others and reclaiming those dreams you seem to have lost. Write down those dreams and set your intentions. Then look in a mirror, imagine that you're looking into Cerridwyn's transformative cauldron, and say them out loud as if they have already happened. You are so much more than you allow yourself to be. Only good will come of your growth."

*This week’s deck is the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

Rhea (reversed) - Goddess Power Oracle

Daily Divination - Thursday, March 31, 2022

RHEA (reversed)

Now is the time to lean on and into your faith. Are you trying to CONTROL outcomes, or manipulate people or situations to do what you want as you want it? If so, it's time to remember that you simply can't control all outcomes and certainly can't change other's actions, choices, and behaviors. Let go and let God!

"The goddess Rhea reminds you that when you trust the flow state, you will find an opportunity to flow around a bend you've not discovered yet. Her alignment task for you is to let go of the branch and allow yourself to be carried on the river of your life into parts of the river you have not yet traveled through. She will ensure that although you will experience unfamiliar and unexpected things, releasing the form of it all will only result in the discovery of magic and miracles. Let go and allow the flow to do the rest! You’ll be amazed at how effortless life becomes.”

*This week’s deck is the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

Eostre - Goddess Power Oracle

Daily Divination - Wednesday, March 30, 2022

New Beginnings

Be grateful for all that is amazing in your life, accept what isn’t perfect, and know that what you don’t like at all is happening for you, not to you. BE open to the gifts all around you. Watch as a new opportunity begins to blossom for you now.

“Hope and New Life are blooming everywhere in your life right now, and this is something to celebrate. The Germanic goddess Eostre sings to you and assures you that your intentions have lain dormant long enough. When she appears, bearing the fertile power behind the coming of the spring, you may feel a surge of energy to implement your new ideas. You feel strong and capable of accomplishing so much at this time as a sense of newness permeates your life. Enjoy this wonderful time of new beginnings, and welcome the gifts of the Goddess Eostre has in store just for you!

*This week’s deck is the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

EPONA "Wise Leadership" - Goddess Power Oracle

EPONA - Wise Leadership: Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Wise Leadership

The Goddess of leadership and guidance walks with you today.

Not only are you capable of handling whatever comes your way, or whatever achievement you’ve set your sights on… but you are also a role model for those around you.

One caution, being overzealous, pushy, or bossy is not your best interest right now. You don’t need to take on the WHOLE world all at once… “even the best leaders know when to take a break” or chill out.

“Being true to who you are and placing integrity and humility equal to enthusiasm makes you a wise leader indeed, one that the goddess Epona is so proud of.”

This week’s deck is the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid.

Hera - Goddess Power Oracle

Daily Divination - Monday, March 28, 2022


Keep your eyes and ears peeled, as help is on the way. The energy has shifted, and although the stars are still making planetary adjustments, we are entering a time when the help you need to move forward with your creative and life purpose projects is now available.

"The Greek goddess Hera, wife of Zeus, knew intimately that positive alliances speed to great power. At this moment, you're magnetized to receive aid from people who have greater wisdom and can help you to the next level. Perhaps it's a mentor who appears as someone in the know. Making connections with others and finding strategic partnerships are favored right now as you explore the nature of becoming empowered by association. This is a wonderful time for all manner of connection and collaboration!”

*This week’s deck is the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

LEIZI "Revelation" - Goddess Power Oracle

Daily Divination - Sunday, March 27, 2022


“You will never be given more than you can handle.”

Perhaps something new and exciting has suddenly appeared in your life, or maybe something unexpected and or unwanted has occurred.

Whatever is being revealed to you today, understand that it is purposeful, and this new insight or information will help bring clarity into your purview.

All is well in your world.

This week’s deck is the Goddess Power Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid.