Dove Spirit - Be Peace

DOVE SPIRIT - Thursday, June 23, 200

Be peace.

Take a moment and just feel into the image. Can you feel it… peace and calm rising in your heart?

“With her peaceful cooing, the gentle Dove Spirit invites you to embrace the energy of peace and allow compassion to warm your heart. You always have the power to generate peace within you, and the appearance of the Dove Spirit is a reminder that today and every day is a good day to meditate, to quiet any turbulence within as you embody tranquility.”

Today, regardless of what is going on around you, you are being asked to BE at peace, to keep peace and be the peacemaker, if necessary. Do not step into situations you are not meant to be in, but if you must, be prepared to agree to disagree and walk away.

*This week’s deck is the Spirit Animal Oracle (affiliate link) by Colette Baron-Reid.