Wisdom of the Oracle

Exchanging Gifts - Wisdom of the Oracle

Daily Divination - July 17, 2022


Now is a time to “engage in a dance of give and take, push and pull, doing and being. If you let fear guide your choices, you could deplete yourself or create an imbalance. It is not a time of just do, do do.”

Sometimes in order to be able to GIVE our best, we need to take time to just BE… and take time to RECEIVE. It is OK to receive nourishment by resting and taking time in nature. It is OK to ask for and receive help. However, “use your currency wisely and be mindful of the value others bring to your life.” Stop giving endlessly to those people and things that bring you no value.

We also must give the seeds we have planted, the ideas we have launched, and the plans we have implemented TIME to blossom, expand and perform. When we are forever chasing, pushing, and doing, we risk changing things before we even give them a chance to thrive.

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Collette Baron-Reid.

Flexible - Wisdom of the Oracle

Daily Divination - July 16, 2022


It is time for you to be the tree… firmly planted and strong, with branches that can bend and sway in the most ferocious of storms.

Too often we think that being strong and standing in our truth means we stand firm - no matter what. But what that really means is being able to bend and be flexible - listening and staying true to our heart, but not fixated on the how (what the ego wants).

Now is a time to be “willing to learn new things, teachable, malleable, yet firmly grounded in who you are. Common sense is important, but so is an open mind. Stay curious; stay open. Stay aware.”

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Collette Baron-Reid.

YANG - Wisdom of the Oracle

Daily Divination - July 15, 2022


“Now is the perfect time to act, for you can easily build momentum and make headway.”

Remember that you have the power to manifest anything in your life… you sometimes just need to get out of your own way. You are the “shaper of your destiny,” the powerful co-creator of all that is in your life and this is a clear sign of new beginnings and opportunities, so take advantage.

You have all you need to move forward, so use this powerful energy to create, create, create.

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the OracleCards (affiliate link).

No Place Like Home - Wisdom of the Oracle

Daily Divination - July 14, 2022


Authenticity is your home… it is not a town, a house, or even the people you are with… it is YOU.

You need to be comfortable in your own skin, in your own truth, before you will truly feel at home anyplace else. What can you do today to feel at home?

You can find those feelings of belonging, those feelings of unconditional love, those feelings of security and comfort that a home brings, right within your heart. Reach deep within, find the home you long for, and let those feelings shine through everything you do. That light will bring that “home” to wherever and whatever you are doing. YOU ARE HOME.

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Collette Baron-Reid.

Treasure Island - Wisdom of the Oracle

Daily Divination - July 13, 2022


“Trust your intuition to light your way now as you enter this truly prosperous phase, where all the long, hard work navigating your inner life is now paying off externally.”

Continue to listen to the little nudges of your soul. Remember… slow and steady.

There will be times to paddle and other times to float with the current. You are on your way… enjoy!

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the OracleCards (affiliate link).

Go-The-Distance - Wisdom of the Oracle

Daily Divination - July 12, 2022


“To bring your dream to life, you must think long-term and pay no attention to the fluctuations in the current of your experience. Life is not a sprint.”

There will be ups and downs and lessons to be learned on the way. Do not get discouraged… you have all the strength, endurance, and wisdom you need to get to the finish line. And the finish line is within view - even if your human eyes cannot see it yet.

Stay true to yourself and your long-term goals… do not let minor challenges throw you off course. If they do, look for the lesson in it, center yourself, and move forward. Your intuition will guide you.

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the OracleCards (affiliate link).

Yin - Wisdom of the Oracle

Daily Divination - July 11, 2022


Again, another message of ALLOWING.

“This is a time of calculated receptivity as you gracefully await what is coming to you, ready to accept it when it appears. Yin does not involve frozen dreams or even resting, but rather consciously allowing things to flow to you, poised to receive the bounty that will be made available to you.”

You must make space for miracles, not force or try to make them happen on their own.

Continue on your path, releasing patterns that do not support you, and allow the seeds you have planted to come to fruition.

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the OracleCards (affiliate link).

DEEP KNOWING - Gateway Oracle

Daily Divination - Thursday, December 16, 2021


“This deep knowing allows you to open the door to wisdom far greater than what is available in the limitations of the human experience”

What is your heart telling you?

Listen closely…
Your heart is the gateway to your intuition…
Your heart knows the truth.

Listen to it and follow its guidance.

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the OracleCards (affiliate link).

Flexible - Wisdom of the Oracle

FLEXIBLE: Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Friday, February 12, 2021


It is time for you to be the tree… firmly planted and strong, with branches that can bend and sway in the most ferocious of storms.

Too often we think that being strong and standing in our truth means we stand firm - no matter what. But what that really means is being able to bend and be flexible - listening and staying true to our heart, but not fixated on the how (what the ego wants).

Now is a time to be “willing to learn new things, teachable, malleable, yet firmly grounded in who you are. Common sense is important, but so is an open mind. Stay curious; stay open. Stay aware.”

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Collette Baron-Reid.

Clean It Up - Wisdom of the Oracle

CLEAN IT UP: Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Thursday, February 11, 2021


The Clean It Up card is perfect as lots of wounds, memories, false beliefs, toxic situations/relationships, challenges and emotions were stirred up to be looked at and finally released. It is time to sweep away what has come to light as it is no longer serving you and will only repeat patterns if you do not.

Look around you at your surroundings, the people, the relationships, the situations, the emotions… What things are weighing you down? What old emotions, grudges, behavior patterns, false beliefs and imaginary constructs are preventing you from living your best life?

This card is screaming that NOW is your time to get rid of all the physical, emotional, and mental clutter. You need to make room for all the beauty, joy, abundance and profound change.

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*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the OracleCards (affiliate link).

Go-The-Distance - Wisdom of the Oracle

GO THE DISTANCE: Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Wednesday, February 10, 2021


“To bring your dream to life, you must think long-term and pay no attention to the fluctuations in the current of your experience. Life is not a sprint.”

There will be ups and downs and lessons to be learned on the way. Do not get discouraged… you have all the strength, endurance, and wisdom you need to get to the finish line. And the finish line is within view - even if your human eyes cannot see it yet.

Stay true to yourself and your long-term goals… do not let minor challenges throw you off course. If they do, look for the lesson in it, center yourself, and move forward. Your intuition will guide you.

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the OracleCards (affiliate link).

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No Place Like Home - Wisdom of the Oracle

NO PLACE LIKE HOME: Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Tuesday, February 9, 2021


Authenticity is your home… it is not a town, a house, or even the people you are with… it is YOU.

You need to be comfortable in your own skin, in your own truth, before you will truly feel at home anyplace else. What can you do today to feel at home?

You can find those feelings of belonging, those feelings of unconditional love, those feelings of security and comfort that a home brings, right within your heart. Reach deep within, find the home you long for, and let those feelings shine through everything you do. That light will bring that “home” to wherever and whatever you are doing. YOU ARE HOME.

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Collette Baron-Reid.

Deep Knowing - Wisdom of the Oracle

DEEP KNOWING - Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Monday, February 8, 2021


“This deep knowing allows you to open the door to wisdom far greater than what is available in the limitations of the human experience”

What is your heart telling you? You already know the answers to the questions you ask.

Listen closely…
Your heart is the gateway to your intuition…
Your heart knows the truth.

Listen to it and follow its guidance.

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the OracleCards (affiliate link).

The Fates - The Wisdom of the Oracle

THE FATES: The Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid, fate, karma

Daily Divination - Sunday, February 7, 2020

fate, karma

This card is calling you to embrace the Serenity Prayer:

“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”

There are things in your life right now, and always, for that matter, that you cannot control. If you continue trying to, you will only further frustrate yourself, and others.

We are not always meant to know the reasons why things are happening the way they are. It is time to LET GO of your need to figure it out and control the outcomes.

Let it all unfold as it is meant to, and instead of using your energy to block it or obsess over it, open your heart to the lesson at hand.

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the Oracle Cards (affiliate link) by Collette Baron-Reid.

ALL THAT GLITTERS - Wisdom of the Oracle

ALL THAT GLITTERS - Wisdom of the Oracle

Daily Divination - Saturday, February 6, 2021

All that glitters is gold… or is it?

Whether it is that expensive item on holiday sale, your new year resolutions, or that new holiday crush…

You are being asked to really look at what you are wanting, aspiring for, and or involved in. Not everything or everyone is as they appear to be right now.

As you get swept up in the holiday magic, take time to consider what is really important. Is the item, person, or situation something you really NEED right now or will it only be a temporary shiny thing to give comfort in the New Year, and not really be what you expected or wanted?

Do not settle for shiny bobbles when you deserve the diamond buried deep in a sometimes rough, hard rock. Enjoy the simple things and cherish the memories of the season.

(SIDE NOTE: astrologically you are also cautioned from purchases until Dec. 7th when Mercury goes direct.)

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the Oracle Cards (affiliate link).

Forgiveness - Wisdom of the Avalon

FORGIVENESS: Wisdom of the Avalon by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Sunday, May 31, 2020


Where are you not letting go? If you are hurt or angry, why? Can you look deep into why your “feelings are hurt”? Are you overlooking the opportunity to learn something important?

Be gentle and compassionate with yourself; allow yourself to forgive YOU, just as much as another.

“You must now search your heart for any unresolved resentment, anger, or disagreements between you and another. If you're still hurt or angry about another’s behavior, or if there are circumstances in your life that you resent, this is a time when it’s crucial to release the negative energy surrounding those situations.”

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the Avalon Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

Protection - Wisdom of the Avalon

PROTECTION: Wisdom of the Avalon by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Saturday, May 30, 2020


Today is a good day to ask for a little extra protection from your benevolent guides and guardians.

Perhaps someone close to you has a hidden agenda, or you are shining so brightly that others want to “take you down.” Whatever the case, please, don’t be afraid, just stay true to yourself. Be vigilant and aware of what other people around you really want from you and what they want you to believe is true. Just be aware.

“Remember to walk the higher ground, but wear an energetic cloak for protection.” When you ask for support and protection from the Divine, that protection will be granted.

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the Avalon Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid (affiliate link).

Treasure Island - Wisdom of the Oracle

TREASURE ISLAND: Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Friday, March 6, 2020


“Trust your intuition to light your way now as you enter this truly prosperous phase, where all the long, hard work navigating your inner life is now paying off externally.”

Continue to listen to the little nudges of your soul. Remember… slow and steady.

There will be times to paddle and other times to float with the current. You are on your way… enjoy!

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the OracleCards (affiliate link).

Building Blocks - Wisdom of the Oracle

BUILDING BLOCKS: Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Thursday, March 5, 2020


“You have everything you need to cultivate an extraordinary life.”


We live in a world of immediate gratification… but things that last, do not always work out that way. It is far more important that a strong foundation is built.

Just because you do not see the shiny results and accolades yet, does not mean you are not well on your way. The changes and decisions you make now will determine how strong your foundation is and how high you can soar.

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the OracleCards (affiliate link).

A Leg Up - Wisdom of the Oracle

A LEG UP: Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Where do you need a leg up today?
Where can you give a leg up today?

“Life has a way of presenting you with the perfect people to align with who can give you a leg up during this next phase of your journey. The trick is to ACCEPT that aid so freely given.”

When people cross your path, they may be there to help you, OR you may be there to help them. It can also be a both situation.

You must be able to graciously give in order to receive… and you MUST be able to accept that which is given to you - even when you do not think you need it.

No one needs to do everything themselves to prove they are strong, powerful or worthy. Look around at the tribe that is gathering around you - there is purpose behind it.

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the OracleCards (affiliate link).