A Leg Up

A Leg Up - Wisdom of the Oracle

A LEG UP: Wisdom of the Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

Daily Divination - Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Where do you need a leg up today?
Where can you give a leg up today?

“Life has a way of presenting you with the perfect people to align with who can give you a leg up during this next phase of your journey. The trick is to ACCEPT that aid so freely given.”

When people cross your path, they may be there to help you, OR you may be there to help them. It can also be a both situation.

You must be able to graciously give in order to receive… and you MUST be able to accept that which is given to you - even when you do not think you need it.

No one needs to do everything themselves to prove they are strong, powerful or worthy. Look around at the tribe that is gathering around you - there is purpose behind it.

*This week’s deck is the Wisdom of the OracleCards (affiliate link).