GODDESS OF THE SHADOWS - Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

Daily Divination - July 16, 2022


“What you perceive to be your dark side holds a hidden treasure.”

Everyone has two sides to themselves, the light and the dark. But don’t be afraid of the dark side, a lot of treasures can be found within. Share the light side and embrace your dark side. 

“Realize that any perception or belief you have about yourself or others is actually a deception more than it is a perception. What you perceive to be a dark side or shadow self holds a hidden treasure.

As humans, we rarely see the full picture in any situation because we are forever stuck in the illusion of good and bad. “Don’t judge your positive and negative qualities to try and be more positive because you’re denying your whole self.” “By holding this belief, you fail to realize that all serve a purpose and that all benefits you in some way.”

“Everything in our world is made up of positive and negative charges which together make a whole...You Are ready to move to the next level of conscious awareness. This card heralds the start of a wondrous and empowering period of your life which  brings to the surface many beautiful experiences and opportunities, which, in the past, you never thought possible.”

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.

GODDESS OF THE SHADOWS - Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

RAPHAEL: COMMUNION - Angels of Atlantis Oracle by Stewart Pearce

Daily Divination - Wednesday, June 9th, 2021


“What you perceive to be your dark side holds a hidden treasure.”

Everyone has two sides to themselves, the light and the dark. But don’t be afraid of the dark side, a lot of treasures can be found within. Share the light side and embrace your dark side. 

“Realize that any perception or belief you have about yourself or others is actually a deception more than it is a perception. What you perceive to be a dark side or shadow self holds a hidden treasure.

As humans, we rarely see the full picture in any situation because we are forever stuck in the illusion of good and bad.” “Don’t judge your positive and negative qualities to try and be more positive because you’re denying your whole self. “By holding this belief, you fail to realize that all serve a purpose and that all benefits you in some way.”

“Everything in our world is made up of positive and negative charges which together make a whole...You Are ready to move to the next level of conscious awareness. This card heralds the start of a wondrous and empowering period of your life which  brings to the surface many beautiful experiences and opportunities, which, in the past, you never thought possible.”

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.