Goddess of Compassion

GODDESS OF COMPASSION- Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

Daily Divination -July 10, 2022


“Self-criticism is diminishing your sense of self-worth.”

You are compassionate with everyone else in your life but yourself. Turn that compassion inward and realize how worthy you are of love, joy, and compassion. Be more compassionate with yourself.

“At the core of every living thing only love exists. Your personality in the role you play in this life is only transitory and ultimately, an illusion. Positive and negative qualities exist in everyone and in everything. A more accurate description of positive and negative is Yin and Yang, but in reality, there is neither positive nor negative only opposite qualities which make us whole. 

Self-criticism is diminishing your sense of self-worth and keeping you in the illusion that you need to improve in order to be worthy of success, happiness, and fulfillment. Have compassion; love and accept all who you are as you are, and stop striving for something that is impossible to attain. Through love, your life magically transforms.

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.

GODDESS OF COMPASSION- Angels, Gods, and Goddesses Oracle

RAPHAEL: COMMUNION - Angels of Atlantis Oracle by Stewart Pearce

Daily Divination - Sunday, June 6th, 2021


“Self-criticism is diminishing your sense of self-worth.”

You are compassionate with everyone else in your life but yourself. Turn that compassion inward and realize how worthy you are of love, joy, and compassion. Be more Compassionate with yourself.

“At the core of every living thing only love exists. Your personality in the role you play in this life is only transitory and ultimately, an illusion. Positive and negative qualities exist in everyone and in everything. A more accurate description of positive and negative is Yin and Yang, but in reality, there is neither positive nor negative only opposite qualities which make us whole. 

Self-criticism is diminishing your sense of self-worth and keeping you in the illusion that you need to improve in order to be worthy of success, happiness and fulfillment. Have compassion; love and accept all who you are as you are, and stop striving for something that is impossible to attain. Through love your life magically transforms.

*This week’s deck is the Angels, Gods, and Goddesses deck.