Armadillo - Divine Animals Oracle

Daily Divination - Saturday, October 02, 2021


“Sometimes we need to look at the flowers at our feet before looking to the stars.”

Have you become disconnected… falling prey to fear and unnecessary drama?

It is time for you to get grounded within your body.

“Armadillo magic is profoundly earth-based and grounded. It is ancient and profound and can be used when you are feeling off-kilter and unsure. If you are not clear on what to do next, use armadillo magic to bring you stability and power.”

Go outside (it only takes a moment if it is cold) and touch the Earth, feel the dirt, sit by a tree. Feel the light of source flow through you… down through your feet, anchoring you to Mother Earth. Feel the support of the earth under your feet and be fully present in your body. Take this feeling with you throughout the day and call on Armadillo when you need strength and support.

This week’s deck is the Divine Animals Oracle (affiliate link) by Stacey Demarco.